Appendix - Install and Data Directories

This appendix gives short descriptions of the installation (<INSTALLDIR>) and data <DATADIR> directories.

This page discusses:

Product Install Directory

The table below details each folder of the product install directory (the <INSTALLDIR>) and the tools delivered with Exalead CloudView.



<root> Contains several files at the root including:
  • ngroot.env – the file defining product-specific environment variables
  • install[.bat|.sh ] – the installer script
  • productversion.txt – the product version
  • installed hotfixes
<arch64> or <arch32> Contains the Exalead CloudView product binaries and libraries; the directory name varies based on the installation platform. For example, a 64-bit server can include amd64-linux, amd64-win64.
docs Contains the Exalead CloudView documentation (pdf and html pages). The online version of the documentation is available in the subfolder html\index.html
dotnetbin Contains Exalead CloudView custom .NET code.
javabin Contains Exalead CloudView custom java code, that is, where it stores jars and wars.
resource\ all-arch Contains resources that are not copied to the data directory, DATADIR, and represents the base of the product resources including:
  • linguistics resources - see the Linguistic Resources.
  • miscellaneous resources in the folders:
    • \360-search-ui-war – folder copied to <DATADIR>\webapps\360-mashup-ui at installation time.
    • \alerting – contains the mail templates used by alerts.
    • \builtin_plugins – "Core" plugins installed by default and copied at installation time to <DATADIR>\resource\all-arch\builtin_plugins_deployed
    • \cloudview-prerequisites – contains the Windows redistributables installed by the setup to use Exalead CloudView.
    • \com – contains the SQL schemas of reporting tables.
    • \crawl – configuration files of crawler components.
    • \cvconsole – contains the cvconsole configuration files.
    • \diagnostic – contains the diagnostic tool (available under Administration Console> Diagnostics) configuration files.
    • \exa – interface for calling the process services for debugging purposes.
    • \plugins – contains the builtin plugins installed by default.
    • \resource – static crawler rule files.
    • \setup – files used by the setup
    • \setup\connectortypes\*.xml – configuration files to set up connector types.
    • \wsdl – the wsdl files required for SOAP.
    • \xpdf – files used by the converter to open PDF files.
    • \xsd – the product schema files.
sdk Contains the SDKs for API development and product customization, and code samples.
tools Contains several tools including:
  • hotfix.[sh|bat] – script to install/uninstall Exalead CloudView hotfixes.
  • addons.[sh|bat] – script to install Exalead CloudView add-ons.
  • ngconvert – a convert tool to test document conversion.
  • ngconvert32 – a convert tool (32-bit version) to test document conversion; only available on 64-bit platforms.
  • nghostid – a tool to print the ID of your host used for license generation:
    • If deployed on real hardware, run nghostid. If nghostid returns 000000, then run nghostid -os (in this case, the generated license will be invalid after an OS reinstallation).
    • If deployed on EC2 (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud) compatible environment, run nghostid -aws.
    • If deployed on other virtualized environments (for example, VMWare), use nghostid and set a stable mac address for the VM.

Linguistic Resources

Exalead CloudView embed linguistic resources, available in the <INSTALLDIR>\resource\all-arch directory. The following is a list of resource directory paths used in the semantic processor configuration.

Semantic Processor

Resource Directory

Lemmatizer (by language) resource://lemmatizer/LANG
Chunker resource:///chunker
Stemming resource:///dynamiclemmatizer/dict
Named Entities resource:///namedentities


Phonetization resource:///nphonetizer
English normalized Part of Speech resource:///PoS/en_normalized
French normalized Part of Speech resource:///PoS/fr_normalized
Italian normalized Part of Speech resource:///PoS/it_normalized
Part of Speech (by language) resource:///PoS/<LANGUAGE>
Related Terms resource:///relatedtermspreprocessor
Sentiment Analyzer resource:///sentiment
Stop Words resource:///stopwords
Standard Tokenizer German TokenizerPlugin resource:///subtokenizer/de
Standard Tokenizer Dutch TokenizerPlugin resource:///subtokenizer/nl
Standard Tokenizer Norwegian TokenizerPlugin resource:///subtokenizer/no
Japanese Tokenizer resource:///tokenizer/ja
Chinese Tokenizer resource:///tokenizer/zh

Data Directory

The <DATADIR> is generated at installation time to store your user data.

Disk Space

The following table displays minimum disk space for the <DATADIR> and the run directories.


Allocate minimum...

Recommendation: 50GB for production.
<DATADIR>/run (log directory) 10GB
Note: You can set rotation and purge parameters to reduce log size on disk. For more information, see Rotate and Purge Logs.


The table below details each folder of the <DATADIR>, generated during Exalead CloudView installation.




Contains the:
  • license of this product install.
  • install.log installation log file.
adminui Contains folders created by the Administration Console to associate roles with users, if roles have been defined.

Stores alerting events. Alerting enables end users to save queries and be alerted whenever new or modified documents matching the query are added to the index.


Contains several tools to manipulate the current product installation:
  • buildgct – script to generate low-level configuration. This makes only local changes and requires product reboot. On multihost installations, if you usebuildgct on the master, you need to restart the master and slaves just after.
    Warning: Use with caution.
  • cv – binary to start the product in the foreground.
  • cvadmin – entry point of the cvconsole command-line tool.
  • cvd – binary to start the product in the background
  • cvcmd – command-line wrapper for cvcommand.
  • cvcommand – you can use this command-line tool from any location, to send commands to any running Exalead CloudView product. The cvcmd wrapper is also available for quick command service scripting.
  • cvconsole – command-line tool which allows you to perform a variety of complex administration and debugging operations.
  • cvdebug – entry point of the cvconsole command-line tool.
  • cvdiag – you can use this diagnostic tool to generate reports and send them to the Support team for debugging purposes.
  • cvgwcmd[.sh|.bat] – script to call the cvcommand with the gateway host/port.
  • cvhostagent[.sh|.bat] – script to call the cvcommand with the host agent host/port and "ken" service.
  • cvinit[.sh|.bat] – script to start the product in background under Linux, and foreground under Windows.
  • cvinspect[.sh|.bat] – script to call the cvcommand with the gateway host/port and the "cvinspect" service, which allows you to get one or several processes.
  • exa – to start a function using the product's mercury.lib
  • exac – the exascript compiler that compiles the product library (<INSTALLDIR>/exabin/mercury.lib) and the custom code in <DATADIR>/exa/src (syntax:exac -p <additional package custom code>) to <DATADIR>/exabin/mercury.bin
  • java – to start java using the product classpath
  • ngstart.env – the file defining product-specific environment variables
  • postinstall – tool to generate the initial configuration of the product

Contains working directories used by the indexing chain.

businessConsole Contains folders created by the Business Console for the boosted hits and synonyms configuration.
config Contains the high-level configuration.
crawler Contains working directories used by the HTTP connector configuration.

This directory is added when you create a crawler connector.

  • crawler/<crawlername> – storage structures for the crawler
  • box/ – the crawled documents cache
  • fifo/ – contains urls that have not been crawled yet
dotnetbin All custom .NET code must be stored in this directory.

At installation time, mercury libraries and custom code are compiled, and the Exalead CloudView mercury.bin binary file is generated in this directory.

extrajava Can store additional JAR files required by Exalead CloudView or installed plugins.
  • 360-plugins – the plugins installed in the Mashup Builder.
  • devplugins – unzip your plugins in this folder to force Exalead CloudView to use these versions instead of the installed ones (for development purpose only).
fetcher Fetcher persistent data (only cookies for the moment).
gct Contains the low-level configuration.
javabin Store all custom java code in this directory. The product class path is prefixed by <DATADIR>\javabin.
linguistic Contains some linguistic specific dictionaries.
perfmonitoring Contains the Monitoring Console files.
Note: This folder is deleted when applying configuration. If you need to modify advanced parameters (for example, monitoring intervals, timeout, directories), use Reporting.xml in <DATADIR>\config
plugins Contains the plugins uploaded on the instance (see Administration Console > Plugins).
reporting_store Contains the reporting data collected by the Reporting Store publisher.

For example, reporters can retrieve information related to the execution time or the CPU time of the search service, the suggest service, the mashup components of your applications (page, feed, widget, and trigger), etc.

resource\all-arch Contains customizable resources copied from the INSTALLDIR at installation time:
  • \builtin_plugins_deployed – "Core" plugins copied from the <INSTALLDIR>\resource\all-arch\builtin_plugins. Built-in plugins are listed in the Administration Console > Help > About menu.
  • \setup\connectortypes\*.xml – configuration files to set up new connector types
  • \setup\securitysourcetypes\*.xml – configuration files to set up new security source types
run Contains working directories used by the product processes. Each process has its own subdirectory and stores its log files here. For the list of available processes see Appendix - Deployment Roles and Related Processes.
security Contains all security resources such as encryptions keys, certificates, etc.
src Contains folders designated for custom code. There is a subfolder for each language: exa, java, etc. For example, exa is for EXAscript custom code; the root directory of exascript packages.

Contains the SQLite database file used by the Storage Service. Backend storage for Mashup UI.

tmp Contains a temporary folder for the generation of temporary data.
webapps \360-mashup-ui – contains the web applications managed by Exalead CloudView, that is, Mashup UI applications.
webapps-tmp Contains the deployed web applications including the Mashup UI.