Upgrading a Connector

This section describes how to upgrade a connector configuration in Exalead CloudView. For example, when you want to upgrade myconnector-plugin-v1.0 to myconnector-plugin-2.0 and have existing connectors compatible with the new version.

Before you begin: Exalead CloudView must be running.
See Also
Perform a Product Upgrade
  1. Implement the upgrade-config capability in your connector.

    See Maintaining a Connector Configuration across Versions in the Exalead CloudView Connector Programmer's Guide.

  2. In the Administration Console, select Deployment > Plugins.
  3. Delete the old connector plugin.
  4. Upload the new connector plugin.
  5. Go to the <DATADIR>\bin directory and run:

    cvadmin connect upgrade-config name=<MY CONNECTOR>

    Where <MY CONNECTOR> is the name of your connector (as shown in the Administration Console > Connectors menu).

    The connector configuration upgrades to the new version.