Feeds view

The Feeds view allows you to configure the feeds that can be integrated into your page.

See Also
Design view
The Preview
Code view

These are the data sources that can be used by your application.

To the left of the screen, the Data Feeds panel lists the various feeds that you can configure and make available in the design of your application.





Data Feeds

This panel lists the various feeds that you can configure and make available in the design of your application.

Note: The search field at the top of the panel lets you search in all feed categories. When a query is launched the Data Feeds panel turns into a Search Results panel displaying all corresponding entries.


Feed drop zone

To add a feed, drag and drop it from the panel to the drop zone.


Subfeed drop zone

To add a subfeed, that is to say a feed depending on a parent feed, drag and drop it from the panel to the drop zone.


Feed properties

Each feed has a set of properties which define its behavior. For most properties, you can click in the field to display a contextual menu listing all available Values and MEL Functions on the left.


Feed tools

To disable, copy or delete the feed.


Page Parameters

To declare reusable parameters for your page. Once declared, parameters are available in the Values tab of the contextual menu which opens when you click in the Feed properties fields.

You can notice that by default:

The index page does not contain any parameters. As it is the required home page of the search application, this page is static.

Unlike the index page, the search page is dynamic and takes a parameter q (our query).

Note: In your Mashup Builder, you can notice that the page parameter is shown in the URL field, between a question mark and an equal sign. For example, search?q= means that on the search page, the q parameter is passed with the value defined after the = sign. You will also frequently see several page parameters in URLs, separated by ampersands (&).