Back up the Storage SQLite database
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Back up the Storage SQLite database
Enhance the Storage performanceBy default the storage works with an SQLite engine and is therefore limited in terms of concurrent accesses, as each write action blocks the whole database; and scalability, when the number of entries is really big. However, you can configure its JDBC connection to work with compatible databases (SQL Server, MySQL or Oracle) if you need the storage to be more scalable.
For more information, see Creating Collaborative Widgets Using Storage Service in the
Mashup Programmer Guide .
Set up a storage linked to a replicated MySQL serverThe storage service uses a standard JDBC configuration. A JDBC URL can therefore be configured to manage failover. For example, with MySQL, we could have: jdbc:mysql://[host][,failoverhost...][:port]/[database] » ?propertyName1[=propertyValue1][&propertyName2] [=propertyValue2]... However, this MySQL failover configuration does not guarantee real High Availability, as database queries will be read-only queries, preventing users to enrich documents with storage information (for example, saving the preferences of the advanced table widget, comments, star rating, saved queries, etc.). See the MySQL documentation: