Creating Collaborative Widgets Using Storage Service

When using a collaborative widget, you actually enrich your document with data corresponding to the user’s inputs. This data can be stored using the storage service.

This page discusses:

See Also
Storage type scopes
Common operations
How clients communicate with the Storage Service

The storage service is an untyped key/value storage that is accessed through a HTTP REST interface using simple commands such as get or put.

The storage service main intent is to provide persistence for Mashup UI applications that stretches beyond HTTP cookies and flat file storage. It is not a general-purpose database, and does not support SQL or any other query language.

Two client wrapper implementations exist for Javascript client use (asynchronous) and Java client use (synchronous).

Using the storage, you can:

  • Get arbitrary chunks of data (JSON strings, images, Java objects, etc.) attached to your Mashup UI application.

  • Delete, replace and append metas and categories to Exalead CloudView documents.

  • Store private data per user.

    Note: Keep in mind that data consistency/operation atomicity is not supported (not suitable for sensitive data).