The Java client communicates directly with the service at:
The Javascript client communicates with the service through the storage
proxy at:
The Javascript client is meant to communicate through the proxy for the
3 following reasons:
XHR requests issued by the Javascript client is
subject to the cross-domain restrictions that apply to all
XHR requests. Therefore, a proxy on the same
port/domain is necessary.
The proxy has rudimentary
XSRF protection (X-Requested-With header checking)
for the Javascript client's calls, preventing a user X to make changes to the
state of user Y's data using
USER scope. The proxy automatically appends the
login name of the user who is currently logged in to the outgoing requests.
When communicating directly with the storage service, the user needs to supply
the user token manually.
Javascript client use
By default, the Javascript client is included in the
Mashup UI. Your custom widget must reference it in its
widget.xml file as shown below.
<Include type="js" path="/resources/javascript/storage/storage-client-0.2.js" />
You must use the
StorageService class.
// Instantiates a new JS storage client
var storage = new StorageClient(storageType, url, options)
The parameters of the
StorageClient class are described in the following
The value can be
user ,
shared or
document depending on the selected scope.
The URL of the storage proxy:
Note that the JS client is only capable of communicating
with the proxy, never directly with the storage-service (because of the
cross-domain restriction of XHR requests).
If you are in the context of a Mashup UI page,
the url parameter is optional. It will be
discovered by the storage client automatically.
Optional object that accepts any/all of the following
timeout : Timeout of the XHR requests in
milliseconds (ms) before the error callback is invoked.
defaultErrorCallback: function(httpStatusCode,
XmlHttpRequestObj, storageErrorEnum, storageErrorEnumDesc) : Overrides
the default error handler that is invoked on every failed request.
defaultSuccessCallback: function(items,
XmlHttpRequestObj) : Overrides the default success handler that is
invoked on every successful request.
All requests are asynchronous. You always need a callback function to
read the output from the client's calls:
// This will not work
// The alert is executed before the response is ever received
var storage = new StorageClient('shared');
var value = storage.get('myStorageKey');
alert(value); // undefined
// This will work better: A callback function is invoked
// after the client has received the response
storage.get('myStorageKey', function(items) {
alert(items[0].value); // prints the first item in the collection
If the storage service client is instantiated with
SHARED , all non-destructive calls
(get ,
getMany ,
enumerate ) take a key parameter, a success and an
error callback.
storage.get(keyString, successCallback, errorCallback);
storage.enumerate(successCallback, errorCallback);
storage.getMany([key1, key2, ...], successCallback, errorCallback);
storage.aggregate([key1, key2, ...],[aggr1, aggr2, ...], successCallback, errorCallback);
DOCUMENT scope calls take extra parameters:
docBuildGroup ,
docSource ,
storage.get(docBuildGroup,docSource,docUrl, keyString, successCallback, errorCallback);
storage.enumerate(docBuildGroup,docSource,docUrl, KeyString, successCallback, errorCallback);
storage.enumerate(docBuildGroup,docSource,docUrl, successCallback, errorCallback);
// Gets all the possible permutations for the docObject and key parameters
var docObject1 = {
docBuildGroup : "docBuildGroup",
docSource : "docSource",
docUrl : "docUri"
storage.getMany([docObject1, docObject2, ...], [key1, key2, ...], successCallback, errorCallback);
storage.aggregate(docBuildGroup,docSource,docUrl,[key1, key2, ...],[aggr1, aggr2, ...], successCallback,
For the
USER and
SHARED scopes, destructive calls look like this:
// singleKey is a key targeting a single element (Ex: 'mySingleKey')
// tries to put singleKey -> value in the storage, call errorCallback if
// key already exists for this scope
storage.put(singleKey, value, successCallback, errorCallback);
// puts singleKey -> value in the storage. If the key already exists,
// its value is overwritten.
storage.set(singleKey, value, successCallback, errorCallback);
// removes the pair with key singleKey from the storage
storage.del(singleKey, successCallback, errorCallback);
// multiKey is targeting [1:M] values
// appends another value to the bundle pointed to by multiKey
storage.put(multiKey, value, successCallback, errorCallback);
storage.set(multiKey, value, successCallback, errorCallback);
// adds several values to the key and keeps existing ones
storage.putMany(multiKey,[value1,value2, ...], successCallback, errorCallback);
// sets several values to the key and replaces existing ones
storage.setMany(multiKey,[value1,value2, ...], successCallback, errorCallback);
// deletes all values stored for multiKey
storage.del(multiKey, successCallback, errorCallback);
// multiKeyElement is targeting 1 value in a multi valued context
// The only way to get a 'multiKeyElement' is to get all the pairs for a multiKey,
// and then to use one of the keys in the response
storage.set(multiKeyElement, value, successCallback, errorCallback);
// updates the existing value
storage.del(multiKeyElement, successCallback, errorCallback); // deletes one value
For the
DOCUMENT scope, destructive calls require:
documentBuildGroup (build group name),
documentSource (source connector name),
and a
documentId argument.
storage.put(documentBuildGroup, documentSource, documentId, singleKey, value, successCallback,
storage.set(documentBuildGroup, documentSource, documentId, singleKey, value, successCallback,
storage.del(documentBuildGroup, documentSource, documentId, singleKey, successCallback, errorCallback);
// adds several values to the key and keeps existing ones
storage.putMany(documentBuildGroup, documentSource, documentId,multiKey,[value1,value2, ...],
successCallback, errorCallback);
// sets several values to the key and replaces existing ones
storage.setMany(documentBuildGroup, documentSource, documentId, multiKey,[value1,value2, ...],
successCallback, errorCallback);
// deletes all pairs stored for a given document:
storage.del(documentBuildGroup, documentSource, documentId, successCallback, errorCallback);
// ... the multiKey and multiKeyElement examples are like above, but with
// documentBuildGroup, documentSource, documentId prepended the other parameters
For real examples, go to your
directory, and look at the source code of the following
savedQueries : which uses multi-valued keys with
SHARED storage
todoList : which uses single-valued keys with
SHARED storage
starRating : which uses single-valued keys with
DOCUMENT storage.
These widgets make extensive use of the storage service.
Java client use
To use the Java client, make sure that the
360-storage-client.jar is included in your Eclipse
All the Java client's calls are synchronous, meaning that they are
blocked until a response is received from the server.
The Java client is made to communicate directly with the storage
service at:
The Java client provides very destructive methods (clear operations)
therefore it should be used with caution.
StorageClient client = new StorageClient(Constants.STORAGE_SERVICE_URL, Constants.MASHUPUI_APPID);
client.scratch(); // Scratches everything in the Storage
client.scratchForApplication("default"); // Scratches everything for application 'default'.
Other applications’ states are preserved
client.scratchForWidget("default", "starRating"); // Scratches all states for the 'starRating' widget
of application 'default'
DocumentClient dclient = client.getDocumentStorage();
//For Cloudview Documents: use a document descriptor(buildgroup,source,docurl)
DocumentDescriptor descriptor = new DocumentDescriptor("bg0", "docSource", "doc1");
dclient.put(descriptor , "helloWorldKey" "Hello World DocumentStorage!".getBytes("UTF-8"));
// puts value if key does not already exist
List<byte[]> myValues = new ArrayList<byte[]>();
myValues.add("Hello World DocumentStorage!".getBytes("UTF-8"));
myValues.add("Good bye!".getBytes("UTF-8"));
dclient.putMany(descriptor , "helloWorldKey[]", myValues);
//puts multiple values to the key and keeps existing ones
dclient.setMany(descriptor , "helloWorldKey[]", myValues);
//sets multiple values to the key and replaces existing values
Entry entry = dclient.get(descriptor , "helloWorldKey");
dclient.set(descriptor , "helloWorldKeyDuplicate", entry.getValue());
// replaces whatever value (if any) that was previously set in helloWorldKeyDuplicate
DocumentDescriptor descriptor = new DocumentDescriptor("buildGroup", "source", "document1");
String[] bagKey = new String[] {"testbagkey[]"};
StorageAggregationType[] aggrs = new StorageAggregationType[] {
List<AggregationsResult> resultList = this.doc.aggregate(descriptor, bagKey, aggrs);
Example: Simple 'Badge Manager'
On some social networks, a user's profile can be awarded with one or
several predefined badges. Badges can be represented as a string of text, and
each badge can be either ‘on’ or ‘off’. In the example below, a badge is ‘on’
if the text string is stored for a particular user, and ‘off’ if it does not
The class attaches one or several predefined text strings to a
Exalead CloudView document with a multi-valued key ending with
‘[] ’. No other values than the predefined ones are allowed to exist on
the key.
public class BadgeManager {
private final String badgeDatabaseKey;
private final ImmutableSet<String> availableBadges;
private final DocumentStorage db;
// availableBadges are a list of the predefined text-strings that you want to use,
// for example ['cool', 'humid', 'warm', 'really-warm']
// badgeTag is the multi-valued key to store on in the storage, for example "perceivedTemperature[]"
public BadgeManager(String[] availableBadges, String badgeTag) {
this.availableBadges = ImmutableSet.of(availableBadges);
this.badgeDatabaseKey = badgeTag;
// Instantiate the Java Storage Client given the URL to the Storage Service
// (Normally http://CVHOST:[BASEPORT+10]/storage-service) and the Mashup Application ID.
// Instead of .getDocumentStorage() we could have used .getUserStorage() or .getSharedStorage()
this.db = new StorageClient(Constants.STORAGE_SERVICE_URL,
public Set<String> getAvailableBadges() {
return this.availableBadges;
public void addBadge(DocumentDescriptor document, String badge) throws Exception {
if (!hasBadgeEntry(componentId, badge)) {
// To put a pair on a document we supply the Document Source and the document id
// The document source is the source connector's name, the document id is the URI of the document
// All values are stored as byte blobs, so the string needs to be converted into a byte[] before submitting
db.put(document, badgeDatabaseKey, badge.getBytes("UTF-8"));
public void removeBadge(DocumentDescriptor document, String badge) throws Exception {
if (hasBadgeEntry(document, badge)) {
Entry toRemove = getBadgeEntry(document, badge);
// To delete a single entry from a multi-valued meta an argument "unique" is needed.
// Unique is an extra key that identifies a single value in a multi-valued pair
deleteByUniqueKey(document, toRemove.getKey().getKey(), toRemove.getKey().getUnique());
public Set<String> getAllBadgesFor(DocumentDescriptor document) throws Exception {
Set<String> badges = Sets.newHashSet();
for (Entry e : getBadgesFromStorage(document)) {
badges.add(new String(e.getValue(), "UTF-8"));
return badges;
public void removeAllFor(DocumentDescriptor document) throws StorageClientException, Exception {
// If no unique argument is provided, all of the pair's values are deleted
db.delete(document, badgeDatabaseKey);
private boolean hasBadgeEntry(String documentId, String badge) throws Exception {
return getBadgeEntry(document, badge) != null;
private Entry getBadgeEntry(DocumentDescriptor document, String badge) throws Exception {
for (Entry b : getBadgesFromStorage(document)) {
if (new String(b.getValue(), "UTF-8").equals(badge)) {
return b;
return null;
private List<Entry> getBadgesFromStorage(DocumentDescriptor document) throws Exception {
// Returns all the values associated with the document 'docId' and the key 'badgeDatabaseKey'
return db.get(document, badgeDatabaseKey);