About Internationalization features

Text labels and headings can be externalized into resource bundles, allowing the Mashup UI internationalization features to automatically display web pages in the appropriate language.

See Also
Set default language
Add a new language
Develop with I18N
Enforcing the Application Language

Three resource bundle files are used:

  • messages_en.properties for English,
  • messages_fr.properties for French,
  • and messages.properties, the default used if no other file is found.

The following files contain key-value pairs representing text for the web pages in different languages, for example:

  • messages_en.properties with application.name=hello world
  • messages_fr.properties with application.name=bonjour monde
  • messages.properties with application.name=hello world
Important: All properties defined in the widget's messages*.properties (/WEB-INF/jsp/widgets/*/messages*.properties) will override global properties defined in /WEB-INF/i18n/messages*.properties. The override mechanism is case-sensitive.