Widget Manifest and Logic
For each widget, there is a <widgetName>
directory located in:
Each widget has at least two files:
The manifest, describing the widget and its options (used by the Administration Console).
The actual widget logic, using JSP.
The Tag Library Descriptors (TLD) documentation is available in the
following directory: <INSTALLDIR>/sdk/java-mashupui/project/doc/tld
Tip: If you have installed the Eclipse Plugin, you can open these TLDs from the Project Explorer panel. Right-click MashupUI and select CloudView Mashup > Open tag libraries documentation.
The Widget Reference documentation,
which lists all available predefined widgets, is available in: <INSTALLDIR>/sdk/java-mashupui/project/doc/widget-reference/index.html
Tip: If you have installed the Eclipse Plugin, you can open the widget reference documentation from the Project Explorer panel. Right-click MashupUI and select CloudView Mashup > Open widgets documentation.