Arranging Segments in Supports Automatically

You can arrange the segments routed inside a support using a customized logic defined in the Compute Position of Branch Segment in Support (EHIRouting_ComputeUVAddSegmentToSupport) opening ID. Using Auto Arrange Segments allows you to automatically arrange segments whenever the diameter and profile of your segments are edited.

Before you begin: Customize your business logic with the Compute Position of Branch Segment in Support (EHIRouting_ComputeUVAddSegmentToSupport) opening ID.

For more information, see Sample 3 in Compute Position of Branch Segment in Support (EHIRouting_ComputeUVAddSegmentToSupport).

See Also
Copying Arrangement between Supports
  1. From the Branch section of the action bar, click Auto Arrange Segments .
    The Tools Palette panel appears.
  2. In the work area, select one or several supports using one of the following method:
    • Select routed supports
    • Select branches

      Supports belonging to their route are selected.

    • Select a product

      Routed supports aggregated in the product and supports belonging to the branches aggregated in the product are selected.

  3. Click Finish
    The segments routed inside the selected support are arranged according to your customized logic.