Creating an Electrical Conductor Reference

The electrical conductor is a physical object corresponding to a signal. An electrical conductor is characterized by properties such as: section, diameter, bend radius, color, linear mass, etc. When you start the Electrical Conductor command, you create the reference of an electrical conductor.

You can create an electrical conductor interactively. This reference can then be stored in the database.

  1. Select Add > Content in the top bar.
    The New Content dialog box appears. For more information, see Creating New Objects.
  2. Expand the Electrical Physical category.
    The list contains:
    • Electrical Conductor
    • Electrical Conductor Group
    • Electrical Physical System
    • Electrical Branch Geometry
    • Electrical Geometry.
  3. Click Electrical Conductor.
    Note: If you select the Set Attributes at creation contextual option, an additional dialog box appears if the creation requires specific attributes to be defined. Specify the electrical conductor properties and parameters.

    The Electrical Conductor tab contains the same attributes as a product:

    • Title
    • Name
    • Description
    • Sub-type
    • Color
    • Section Area
    • Outside Diameter
    • Bend Radius
    • Linear Mass
    • Collaborative Policy.

    Important: Electrical conductors are specified in products with one electrical conductor per product. Only root products with no children can be selected.

    Since conductors and conductor groups do not have a physical 3D representation, do not associate a 3D shape.

  4. Click OK when done.