Placing Equipments

You can retrieve equipments stored in your session or in a catalog and then specify how to place them in your assembly.

  1. From the Device section of the action bar, click Place Equipment .
  2. On the Part Placement toolbar, click Placement preferences to specify how the equipment is placed in the 3D area.
  3. To retrieve the equipment, do either of the following:
    • Click Search for a part to retrieve the equipment from your session.

      The Content Chooser appears to let you search and select an equipment. For more information, see Using the Content Chooser.

    • Click Catalog search to retrieve the equipment from a catalog.

      The Catalog Browser appears. For more information about catalogs, see Design IP Classification User's Guide.

    • Click Library search to retrieve the equipment from a library.

      The Library Editor appears. For more information about libraries, see Working with General Libraries.

  4. To place your equipment, select one of the following options:
    Place on plane

    Allows to position with a handle the equipment on a plane.

    Place in XY plane

    Allows to position the equipment on the XY axis using your pointer.

    Place on Robot plane

    Allows to position the equipment on the same plane as the Robot using your pointer.

    Place on point

    Allows to position the origin of the equipment at the same coordinates as a point.


    Allows to position the equipment in the 3D area following coordinates you set in the Define coordinates dialog box.

    Place in logical basic 3D shape

    Allows to position the equipment at the origin of a shape.

  5. Position the equipment in the 3D area.

Your equipment is placed according to your specifications.