Exporting Conductors in HTML and XML Formats

You can export the characteristics of conductors and conductor groups in an electrical physical system along with associated cross references.

Important: Spare conductors cannot be exported.

Before you begin: Open a document containing conductors and conductor groups.
See Also
About HTML and XML Formats
Exporting Conductors in iXF Format
  1. Select the electrical physical system you want to export.
  2. From the Import / Export section of the action bar, click Export Conductors .

    The File dialog box appears.

    You can choose between .html (default format), .csv and .xml file types.

  3. Enter the name of the file.
  4. Click Save to validate.
    The conductor parameters are exported in the selected format.

    Note: The .html format is only available for CATIA V5 data, i.e. electrical physical systems created with CATIA V5.

    Tip: You can sort your data using Excel.