Exporting Conductors in iXF Format

You can export conductors in iXF format via an .xml file.

This method applies specifically when working with external specifications. You can export data from a complete harness or a sub-assembly. It allows you to generate a full harness schematic with conductor groups, conductors, connectors at conductor ends, equipment, etc.

Important: Spare conductors cannot be exported.

See Also
About Exporting Conductors
Exporting Conductors in HTML and XML Formats
  1. From the Import / Export section of the action bar, click Export In iXF .
  2. Select a node in the tree.
    • Electrical physical systems and constituent components under the selected node will be exported.
    • The File dialog box appears.
  3. Navigate to select the folder where you want to store your file and enter the name of the file.
  4. Click Save.
    An .xml file is created.