Using the GVS to customize the Drawing with 2D Details

You can use the GVS to customize the drawing of flattened data with 2D details.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin:
  • Open a flattened geometry.
  • Clear the Disable generative view style usage check box under Generative view style, available in Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Mechanical Design > Drafting > Administration expander to activate the GVS mode.

Generate 2D Details for Electrical Devices, Equipment and Supports

You can use the GVS to customize the drawing of flattened data with 2D details for devices, equipment and supports. By default, 2D detail generation is based on device, equipment, or support part number. A device contains an external reference attribute:

  • If it is not valuated, the part number of the device is used for the 2D detail.
  • If it is valuated, a 2D detail with the same name is searched in the catalog or library mentioned in the GVS and is instantiated in the drawing.

Supports and equipment do not have any external reference attribute. You can create an External Reference Knowledge parameter to use the same 2D detail for several references of support or equipment:

  • If the parameter is not valuated, or does not exist, the part number of the support or equipment is chosen by default and you need to create as many 2D details as the number of support or equipment references.
  • If the parameter is valuated, the 2D detail with a name corresponding to the parameter's value, external reference, is used.

To create an External Reference parameter for a support, follow the steps below:

  1. Select a support.
  2. From the Compass, click Engineering Rules Capture.
  3. Click Parameter Set from the Engineer Rules Capture section.
    The Knowledge Engineering Specification Physical dialog box appears.
  4. Enter a representation name (Support) and click OK.
    A Support node appears in the tree, with a Parameters sub-component:
  5. Select Parameters in the tree and click Parameters Explorer in the Engineer Rules Capture section.
  6. In the New Parameter of Type list, select the String type, then in the opposite field (With), select Single Value.
  7. Click New Parameter of Type and give a Local Name: External reference.
  8. In the Parameter > Value, enter: 2DDetailName.
  9. Click OK.
    The external reference parameter with the 2D detail name is visible in the tree.

Generate 2D Details for Protective Coverings and its Ends

You can use the GVS to customize the drawing of flattened data with 2D details for the protection covering and its ends. By default,

  • 2D detail generation for ends is based on the external reference attribute
  • 2D detail generation for protective covering is based on the exact name of the reference part.

  1. To generate the 2D details for protection covering ends:
    1. Under the electrical GVS parameters, select Yes from the Generation list, available in Protection > Adaptive > 2DdetailOnExtremities and then specify the catalog name for 2D details instantiation.

      Note: You can set generation preferences for all the available protection types.

    2. Specify external reference attribute string (same as the name of the one specified in the catalog) that needs to be instantiated.
      The 2D details at the ends of the protective covering are instantiated in the generated 2D data.
      Note: The same 2D detail is used for both ends of the protective covering. Thus, when defining the detail, the administrator must respect the detail symmetry about the x-axis.

      The center of the detail is placed on the end point of the protective covering and the OX axis of the detail follows the tangency of the curve at the previous point. When generating the drawing, 2D details are scaled according to the layer of protective covering to which they are applied.
  2. To generate the 2D details for protection covering, set the GVS attribute to Yes from the Generation list, available in Protection > Adaptive > Information Table > Symbol.

    Note: You can set generation preferences for all the available protection types.

    The element from the catalog/library named identical to the reference part name is instantiated.
    Tip: To better visualize the various overlapping layers of protective covering on your drawings, use different line types and 2D details. For more information, see Create Line Type Standards.

Generate 2D Details at Harness Junctions

You can use the GVS to customize the drawing with symbols representing the harness junctions.

  1. In your GVS, select Electrical > Segment > JunctionSymbol.
  2. Set the GVS parameters:
    1. Under the Generation node, select Yes to activate the customization functionality.
    2. Under the CatalogName node, enter the name of a catalog/library and chapter/class.
    3. Under the SymbolName node, enter the name of the symbol to represent the junctions.

    Note: When the catalog name or symbol name is not found, the customization is not applied even if the Generation is set to Yes.

    For more information, see Electrical Manufacturing Preparation Parameters.

  3. Click OK to validate.
    When using the Front View command, the selected symbol is displayed at every harness junction.

    • For broken junctions due to loops, the symbol is displayed at one of the broken extremities.
    • If the harness is modified leading to junctions creation or modification, use the Update command to refresh the drawing.

Generate 2D Details for Support Section Views

You can use the GVS to customize the drawing of flattened data with 2D details for support section views. By default, one 2D detail per support section is generated. Details are positioned on the drawing on a grid. The details of support sections are oriented according to the orientation of the support in the 3D view.

  1. Select Me > Preferences > Standards.
  2. In the Standard Definition dialog box, expand the EquipmentAndSystems node.
  3. Select Support > Representation > SectionOfSupport > Generation node and, in the Generation list, select Yes to generate 2D details for support section views.
    Node supports are identified by a letter and corresponding details are identified using the same identifier plus a prefix, if desired.

    In this example, the arrow on the right side is a 2D detail which is superposed on the 3D projection of the support. The symbols used in the drawing view can be:
    • Images from the catalog if you filled the External Reference attribute in your support with a knowledge parameter
    • A symbol named after the support part number

    The automatic generation leads to the creation of following elements:

    • A balloon with a letter

    • A section view with a 2D detail

    For more information, see About Customizing a Drawing View.

Generate 2D Details for Cutting Information

You can add a cutting line associated with a scissor symbol to your drawing. These features set in the GVS show where to cut a conductor on the formboard.

The cutting line is defined by a symbol and an offset value separating the device extremity from the cutting line.

Before you begin: In Data Setup, assign your cutting line symbol in the Drawing catalogs or the Drawing libraries resource.
  1. In your GVS, select Electrical > Segment > CuttingSymbol.
  2. Set the parameters:
    1. Under Generation, select Yes.
    2. Under CatalogName, enter the name of the catalog or library in which the symbol is set.
    3. Under SymbolName, enter the name of the symbol representing the cutting line.

    Note: When the catalog name or symbol name is not found, the customization is not applied even if the Generation is set to Yes.

    For more information, see Electrical Manufacturing Preparation Parameters.

  3. To define the offset value of the cutting line, do either of the following:

    • If there is no backshell in the device assembly and if the opening ID is not set, the cutting line is not created.
    • If there is a backshell in the device assembly and if the opening ID is set, the cutting line offset value is always equivalent to the backshell's extra length.

  4. Generate the drawing either using the Documentation command or the Front View command.

After the generation, the selected symbol is displayed at the extremity of every device assembly.

Note: The cutting line must be drawn perpendicular to the axis of the branch connected to the device assembly and align with the origin of the y-axis.