Electrical Manufacturing Preparation File-based Design Import

File-based Design Import (FBDI) enables content migration from V5 to 3DEXPERIENCE.

Important: It is highly recommended to launch a synchronization on 3D flattening harness and 3D design harness data before using the FBDI tool.

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
File Coexistence and Migration

V5 to 3DEXPERIENCE Data Import Table

The following table describes import correspondences between V5 file-based data and 3DEXPERIENCE content.

The statuses for import results are fully imported, partially imported, and not imported (-).

V5 Data Type 3DEXPERIENCE Content Type Import Result
Flattening Parameters Flattening Parameters Fully imported
Length Tolerance Length Tolerance Fully imported

The Multi-branchable Parts containing Length Tolerance are also imported.

FTA Dimension FTA Dimension Fully imported

Not converted as an Electrical dimension.

If the design is not modified, the FTA Dimension will remain correct, but if the design is changed, the FTA Dimension will not be updated accordingly.

Electrical Links between two Multi-branchable Parts Electrical Links between two Multi-branchable Parts Fully imported

You may need to launch the Synchronize command to reconnect the flatten link in V5 and in 3DEXPERIENCE.

Green Line Green Line Fully imported
3D Flatten without Scale Segment
3D Flatten data: The link between 3D design harness and 3D flattening harness is OK. The flattening link is OK. Fully imported
3D flatten data: The link between 3D design harness and 3D flattening harness is KO. The flatten link is not set.

You may need to launch the Synchronize command to reconnect the flatten link in V5 and in 3DEXPERIENCE.

Partially imported


You should take the following considerations into account:

Managing Flattening Links
When you import a product via FBDI, the 3D design and the 3D flatten open in 3DEXPERIENCE.

The contextual design between segment and other electrical components (devices, supports, mechanical parts) is removed and replaced by a green line that keeps the link between elements. But the contextual design between the segment and these elements is deleted. The segment is a master element and it is not impacted by other elements.

  • The contextual design between segment and support is replaced by a green line.
  • If there are multiple segments in one support, the green line is created.
  • The contextual design between segment and devices is replaced by a green line. If there is no contextual design between segment and devices but an electrical link, a green line is created on between connection points and segment ends.
  • The green line for Loop is kept.
  • The branch point is migrated to a new data model.

  1. Import a product using FBDI. As a result, the 3D design and the 3D flatten open in 3DEXPERIENCE.
  2. To check if all the flatten data is retrieved in 3DEXPERIENCE, launch Synchronize with the activated option: Simulate. You get a synchronize report.
    Note: During the extraction of data to generate a flattening view, a flattening link is created between each component (flattening and design) to allow a synchronization of the flattening harness to support the design modification process and propagate the harness design modification onto the flattening harness.