Moving Connected Symbols

When two symbols are connected, you can manipulate one symbol without modifying the position of the other.

Before you begin: Connect two symbols.

For the purpose of this scenario, the connection points of both symbols are not fixed.

  1. Select one of the symbols.
    A padlock appears on the origin of the other symbol. It means all the rotation, flip and move actions performed on the selected symbol are also applied to the other symbol.

  2. Click the padlock symbol.
    The padlock appears as unlocked. The symbol can be moved.
    Note: When two symbols are connected, there is one connection point per symbol and the two are connected. The connection points must be kept in their symbol bounding boxes.

  3. Move the mobile symbol.

    Note: To ensure that the connection point is not moved out of the symbols bounding boxes during a rotation or a flip:
    • The rotation center is the connection point instead of the symbol origin.
    • The symmetric axe of the flip transformation includes the connection point.

    Since both connection points are not fixed, if you move the symbol port outside of the fixed symbol bounding box, the connection point is moved in the mobile symbol.

    • If the connection point of the mobile symbol is fixed, the symbol can be moved only if the connection point remains inside the fixed symbol.
    • If the connection point of the fixed symbol is fixed but the mobile symbol's can be moved, the symbol can be moved only if the connection point remains in the bounding box of the mobile symbol.