About Change Action Groups

Change Action (CA) groups let you make multiple changes to the same object using multiple Work Under CAs. You then simultaneously promote the CAs in a group to completion rather than complete one CA before starting the next.

For example, you can add one child to a change-managed parent object while removing another child, using a CA for each change. Both CAs must belong to the same CA group. Whenever an object is under change management in Engineering BOM Management, the group name appears instead of a change action name.

Before you use a group to change objects, you must create the group and its change actions in Change Management. Afterward, you open the object in Engineering BOM Management and make your changes using the CAs that are in the group.

Note: You can use groups only on unconfigured objects.

This page discusses:

See Also
Selecting a Work Under Change Action for an Unconfigured Part in 3DSpace