Spare Parts

The Spare Parts Page is available in the Related Parts category under Part Properties. It shows a list of spares selected for the context part that should be distributed in the after-market kit. Spares are usually related to the top assembly but could consist of components found in sub-assemblies.

To view the Spare Parts page:

  1. Open a part.
  2. Click the Related Parts category.
  3. Click the Spare Parts tab. This page lists spares that have been selected for the context part.

This page discusses:


Column Description
Name Name of the part that can be used as a spare. This column contains highlighted links. Click any name in this column to view the Properties page for that object, or click at the end of the row to view the Properties page in a new browser window.
Title The common identifier for the spare part, such as "manifold". The title does not have to be unique.
Revision Part revision number or code.
Type Part type or subtype.
State Current state of the part in its lifecycle.
Description Details about the part.
Quantity The quantity of spares to include for this assembly. For example, an assembly could be a small table assembly. In the BOM, it could have 4 Legs, 1 Table Top, 4 nuts and 4 bolts. The Spare Parts list for this assembly could have a quantity of 2 for Nuts and a quantity of 2 for Bolts.

(Open in new window}
Open the part in a new window.

Actions/Toolbar Commands

The spare parts Actions menu and Toolbar commands are described below.

Command Description
Remove Remove a part from the list. Spare parts can be removed from the list by users with edit access. These users see a check box for each row in the first column of the table. Only the owner is allowed to remove spare parts from the list.

To remove spare parts from the list, click the check box to the left of one or more items you want to disconnect from the part and click Remove from the page Actions menu or toolbar. This removes the relationship between the spare part and the context part, but does not delete the spare part from the database. To select all spare parts for removal, click the check box in the title bar.

If the part or parent object has passed the In Work state, spare parts cannot be removed from the list.

Subscribe to Subscribe to be notified of additions to or removals from the spare parts list. For details, see Subscriptions Page.
Add Existing Add a part to the list to specify that it can be used as a spare part. The Search page opens, where you can search for and select parts that exist in the context BOM. See Predefined Queries. New rows are added to the table and the Quantity cells are open for edit. Enter a value before clicking Save.
Enable Edit Mode Switch to Edit mode, where you can change the quantity of the part. You will see the Enable Edit Mode command only if you own the context part.
  • Click a cell in the Quantity column to specify how many spare parts must be distributed in the after-market kit.
  • Enter quantity values for all spare parts before clicking Save.