Download Package from the page toolbar.
The Download Package wizard opens.
Type a number for the levels of associated objects you want to
choose files from. (The number must be greater than 0.) Otherwise, click
All Levels to include all levels below the
selected part.
Select a
Zip Format:
- BOM Structure uses the full path name.
- Part List Only uses partial path
information. Use this option when the
BOM contains files with long file names that some
ZIP utilities may not be able to unzip.
You have the option to save the download package (.zip file) in a bookmark or
to your computer. To save the package to a bookmark:
select a Bookmark. (a bookmark must be active.)
Click Clear to clear the field of folder names
and make new selections. If you specify a bookmark name, you must also
specify an Archive Name.
Type an Archive File Name for the .zip file that
identifies it in the bookmark. If you specify an Archive File Name, you
must also specify a bookmark name.
The Select Documents to Download page shows all document objects
to which you have Read access and that are related to the part to the specified
level. The page also shows files checked in to those objects.
Check each file that you want to include in the download package.
Check boxes for items other than files are dimmed and cannot be selected.
Done to generate the package (the .zip file).
The Save As window opens. The default name for the .zip file is
either the archive name, or if none is specified, the part name.
Accept the name shown for the .zip file (or enter a different one)
and select where to store the file.
The file is downloaded to your computer. If you specified a bookmark and name, the file is
also downloaded to the workspace. The downloaded file contains the files you
selected for download and two reports:
- A summary report of the package
[PackageName]_PackageReport.csv ). This file lists the Type,
Part, State, Description, Company Name, User, Downloaded on date, Result, and a
list of the files you selected for download.
- A multi-level BOM report
[PackageName]_BOMReport.csv ). This file shows Bill of
Materials information for the downloaded package.
When you extract the files from the downloaded .zip file, select
Use Folder Names option. Selecting this
option maintains the document hierarchy and keeps files from overwriting each
other if they have the same name but belong to different specifications.