Part Bill of Materials

The Bill of Materials (BOM) page opens in view mode. In view mode, you can click Enable Edit Mode in the page toolbar to perform in-cell editing of certain part attributes. You can click Disable Edit Mode to return to view mode. The page Actions menu is available only in edit mode.

Note: You can also apply the BOM edit commands for unconfigured parts in view mode for configured parts that are not change-required.

Depending on their responsibility, some users may not see the entire list of parts in the BOM. For example, a part that has design responsibility assigned is shown only to the part owner and to users who have read/show responsibility and are members of the organization that has design responsibility for the part.

In view mode, you can select a format in the Reports menu to change the BOM display.

Materials Compliance Management Compliance Engineers and Senior Compliance Engineers can add Production parts to the BOM, but cannot create or edit those parts. When viewing the EBOM for a Production part, this page is read-only.

  1. Find the part by clicking Search from the top bar (see Predefined Queries). From the list of parts, click the highlighted link in the Name column of the part to view or click at the end of the row to view the Properties page in a new browser window.
  2. Click the Engineering BOM category.
  3. From the page tabs, click EBOM.

    By default, the EBOM page contains the columns listed in the table. This page is configurable, so your organization's EBOMs may show different information.

Note: When Engineering BOM Management is synchronized with a product structure, the product structure is updated whenever you change parts in the associated engineering BOM.

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
Editing Part Bill of Materials
Creating a Bill of Materials

Part Revisions

Using any of the Insert, Replace, or BOM Import commands, you can add multiple revisions of a part under the same parent and in the same level within the BOM structure. The revision of each part is listed in the Revision column in the EBOM tab.


You can view the EBOM in either Quantity Rollup view or Instance view. The instance view displays each instance of a part on a separate EBOM row. The Quantity Rollup view combines the instances into one row and lists the number of parts in the Qty field.

  • You cannot replace or remove a part with incorrect data in Quantity Rollup view. An alert message will require you to refresh the Rollup view and repeat the operation.
  • BOM Markup and BOM Import are not available in the Quantity Rollup view.
  • Drag is available in either view. If you drag a part in Quantity Rollup view, only one instance of the part is dropped. To change the quantity, switch to Instance view and edit the Qty field.
  • Cell editing commands are not available in Quantity Rollup view (an error occurs when you try to save changes).
  • All editing commands are available in Instance view.
  • Modifying the EA(each) quantity in edit mode in Quantity Rollup view after replacing a part displays an alert.

Commands available in both views are indicated in the tables below.

Note: To customize the EBOM view, click Customize. For information, see Designing Your Own Page Views.

Column Description
Name The unique identifier of the component part, such as "PartC-23400-1. Right-click the name for more options. See Context Menu.
Title A common word or phrase used to identify the part, such as "large rubber gasket".
Instance Title

(Appears only in Instance view)

The title given to each instance of a child part If the child part exists more than once at the current BOM level. The instance title is the part title with a numeric suffix. For example, if the child part has the title "bulb" and appears more than once at the current BOM level, the instance titles would be "bulb.1", "bulb.2", "bulb.3", and so on. If the part does not have a title, the part name is used.

You can modify the instance title in Edit mode while the parent part is in In Work and use Mass Update to modify multiple instances.

Note: Changes you make to the Instance Title cannot be saved with BOM Markup.
Instance Description

(Appears only in Instance view)

Description of the child part instance. The instance description is empty. You can modify the instance description in Edit mode while the parent part is in In Work and use Mass Update to modify multiple instances.

Note: Changes you make to the instance description cannot be saved with BOM Markup.
Design Name The name of the product associated with the synchronized part. The corresponding icon indicates whether the part is collaborated with a 3D product. Click the link to view the product.
Note: To customize the table to display the revision and lifecycle state of the product, select Customize in the toolbar and add the Design Revision and Design Maturity fields. If the part is not collaborated with a 3D product, the design fields are blank.
Revision The revision number or code.
Not Last Revision The relationship of this revision to other revisions, if any, that exist.

{no icon}: This is the latest revision.

: A newer revision exists.

: A newer published revision exists.

State Current state of the part in its lifecycle.
F/N Find Numbers are identifiers used on drawings as "bubble" call outs. Find Numbers are integer values (for example, 15, 9853). The find number must be an integer. You can use duplicate find numbers for the instances of the same part.
On premises only: Find Numbers are shown without leading zeroes by default. However your Business Administrator can change this default. For details, see Engineering BOM Management Administration Guide:Configuring Find Number Properties.

For Materials Compliance Management users who do not also have an Engineering BOM Management license, this field does not display.

Note: This field is required when creating a part.
Qty Quantity of the selected part included in the BOM.

In Quantity mode, child part instances that have the same find number are combined into one row. The Qty column shows the total quantity of instances of the child part that have that find number.

In Instance mode, instances are not combined; each instance is listed in its own row with Qty=1, regardless of the child part name or find number.

  • This field is required when creating a part.
  • You cannot edit the Qty field for the child parts of a configured parent part after you create the parent BOM in which the UOM is EA(each).
Unit of Measure Unit of Measure: LB(pound), IN(inch), GA(gallon), FT(feet), Proportion, and type: weight, height, EA (each) etc. EA (each) must be a positive whole number. For Proportion, units can be EA (each), Batch, CONE (often used in the textiles industry), GR (unit equal to a count of 144), ROLL (of steel, paper, etc.)
Note: This field is required when creating a part.

When editing the unit of measure:

  • You can edit the UOM Type of a child part in an EBOM if the UOM Type is blank. To edit a UOM Type that is not blank, you must first remove the part from all of its parent parts.
  • The part cannot be a child of a released part or a released EBOM. You cannot change the UOM Type in subsequent revisions of a released part. You can, however, change the UOM value for revised parts.
  • You can modify the unit of measure value of a released part using markup but you must retain the same UOM Type.
  • When a development phase part is moved to production, the UOM Type of the production part cannot be modified in the Preliminary state.

Design Collaboration When editing the Usage UOM
Authoring Lock
On premises only: The authoring lock appears only on-premises.

When collaboration is applied, you can edit the part in either the EBOM or ENOVIA Product Finder, depending on which of these two apps has editing control. The Authoring Lock indicates which of the two apps allows you to edit the part.

Note: The Authoring Lock column appears only if change collaboration has been enabled. To enable change collaboration, contact your administrator.
  • EBOM: You can modify the part or any of its relationships only within the EBOM.
  • Design: You can modify the corresponding product only within the product structure.
  • Blank: The latest changes have been collaborated. The child part is not collaborated and you can modify the part in the EBOM but your changes will not appear in ENOVIA Product Finder.
    Note: To collaborate changes, click the Collaborate command in the controlling app. For change-required parts, click this command in the change action.
Phase The release phase of the part, either Development or Production.
Type Part type or subtype.
Collaborative Policy Policy for the part.
Ref Des

The Reference Designator ID is used on Printed Circuit Cards to indicate where an electronic component is to be inserted. Reference Designators are usually values like R1, R2, R7, C1, or C5 (R for resistor and C for capacitor).

The BOM can show Reference Designators as a single value (for example, R3), a comma-separated sequence of values (for example, R2, R3, R4), a range of values (for example, R3-R6), or a mix of all three types.

Reference Designator value is displayed as it was entered when the BOM was created. You can use the format of Reference Designators to collapse or expand the BOM display.

For Materials Compliance Management users who do not also have an Engineering BOM Management license, this field does not display.

Description Details about the part.
Part Family Name of the part family to which the part belongs.
-- The columns below apply to effectivity definitions for parts. These columns are displayed when decoupling is disabled.
Proposed Effectivity Click to edit the current effectivity expression on the relationship or apply blank effectivity to a field (in which you removed the value from the field). Effectivity can be unit, date, and product revision. You can edit this field only when the configured part is not change-required. If the part is change-required, this field is read-only but can be modified using a Work Under change.
Current Effectivity Click to define the unit, date, and product revision effectivity. You can edit this column only if the parent part is change-disabled. If the parent is change-enabled, this column is read-only. Use a Work Under CA to propose a change in the evolution effectivity. If the part is under change-required, this field is read-only but can be modified using a Work Under change.
-- The columns below apply to effectivity definitions for parts. These columns are displayed when decoupling is enabled.
Projected Evolution Click to edit the current effectivity expression on the relationship or apply blank effectivity to a field (in which you removed the value from the field). Effectivity can be unit, date, and product revision. You can edit this field only when the configured part is not change-required. If the part is change-required, this field is read-only but can be modified using a Work Under change.
Note: This column displays the save value as Current Evolution after the associated change is completed.
Current Evolution Click to define the unit, date, and product revision effectivity. You can edit this column only if the parent part is change-disabled. If the parent is change-enabled, this column is read-only. Use a Work Under CA to propose a change in the evolution effectivity. If the part is change-required, this field is read-only but can be modified using a Work Under change.
Variant / Option Click to define the feature option Effectivity (if Variant Management is installed). You can edit the Variant column regardless of whether the parent part is change-enabled or disabled. However, if the parent is change-enabled, you must select a Work Under CA to modify the Variant field.

Insert Part Menu Options

The table below describes the options in the Insert Part menu of the EBOM toolbar. These options may be used to add new or existing parts to a BOM. The BOM must be in the In Work state unless otherwise mentioned.

Note: You must have a PDE license to use these commands.
Command Description
Insert as Child > Existing Part

(available in both views)

Search for a part in the database and add it as a child part of the selected part or to the root if you select nothing. This command is available in View mode, Edit mode, and in the context menu. The added part is given a quantity and unique F/N.

When the part is in In Work - The part is added to the BOM with the default attribute values.

When the part is beyond In Work - The BOM switches to edit mode and the part is added using markup.

Insert as Child > New Part

(available in both views)

Create a part to add to the BOM as a child to the selected part or to the root if you select nothing. See Creating a Part. The part must be in the In Work state. This command is available in In Work mode, Edit mode, and in the context menu. The new part is automatically given a quantity and unique F/N.

When the Part is in In Work - The part is added to the BOM with the default attribute values.

When the Part is beyond In Work - The BOM switches to edit mode and the part is added using markup.

Insert as Child > From Assembly Copy from the selected part in the BOM structure to another structure. See Copying an Unconfigured BOM.
Insert as Child > Existing Part Guided Search

(available if Engineering BOM and Product Specification Management is installed)

Add an existing part as a child in the context of the immediate parent. For example, if a parent part, "parent1", has a child part, "child1", this command ensures that you cannot add parent1 as a child part of child1.
Insert Below > Existing Part Add an existing part to the BOM below and at the same level as the selected part. Duplicate Find Numbers are allowed in the EBOM. See Predefined Queries. (This command is not available for parts controlled by ENOVIA Product Finder.)
Insert Below > New Part Add a new part below and at the same level as the selected part. This command is available only in Edit mode.
Insert Part To Copy to the selected part in the BOM structure from another structure. See Copying an Unconfigured BOM.

Replace By Menu Options

The table below describes the commands in the Replace By menu of the EBOM context toolbar. Select a part to replace and then select a command. After adding parts to a BOM, you can use these options to add, move, or remove parts.

When you replace an instance of a part, the find number for the replacement part is used in the EBOM but the EBOM retains the instance title and instance description of the original part. You can edit the original content as required.

Note: You cannot replace a child part of one UOM Type (example: Proportion) with a child part of a different UOM Type (example: Length). In Quantity Rollup view, you cannot replace rows of UOM Type EA (each) with a part of UOM other than EA (Each).
On premises only: To update the product in ENOVIA Product Finder for changes to nonlevel 1 parts, contact your administrator.

The Replace By menu commands are available in Quantity Rollup and Instance views.

Command Description
Replace By Existing Part Search for a part in the database to replace a part in the BOM.

These options apply to the part structure that includes the part to be replaced and only if the "Replace By" part is in an editable state:

  • The Replace with BOM of Existing Part option populates the "Replace By" part with the first level EBOM of the part that is being replaced. For example, suppose that you replace a part named Part B with Part K. Part K is the "Replace By" part since it is replacing Part B. Part K has no existing EBOM structure. If the Replace with BOM of Existing Part option is used, then Part K replaces Part B and Part K now has the EBOM structure of Part B.
  • If the Replace with No BOM option is used, then Part K replaces Part B and Part K continues to have no EBOM structure.

If the part to replace the existing part in the BOM does not have a BOM structure, select one of the following:

  • Replace with No BOM. Replaces the part and BOM structure with the new part.
  • Replace with BOM of Existing Part. Replaces the part with the new part and copies the BOM structure of the existing part to the new part.

You can also right-click a part in the BOM to replace it (does not apply to multiple selected parts).

When the parent of the selected part is in In Work - The selected part is replaced in the BOM.

When the parent of the selected part is beyond In Work - The BOM switches to edit mode and the part is replaced using markup.

Replace By New Part

Create a part to replace a selected part in the BOM. See Creating a Part.

You can also right-click a part in the BOM to replace it (does not apply to multiple selected parts).

When the parent of the selected part is in In Work - The selected part is replaced in the BOM.

When the parent of the selected part is beyond In Work - The BOM switches to edit mode and the part is replaced using markup.

Revision Commands The revision commands listed below in this table let you update the EBOM with newer versions of parts listed in the EBOM. Whenever you update a part to a new revision, the update "floats" to other instances of the part in other assemblies and structures. See Updating Part Revisions in a List or BOM.
Replace By Latest Revision Update the revision of a part to its latest revision, regardless of whether the new revision is released or unreleased.
Replace Selected Revision Replace the current revision with the selected revision.
Replace by Latest Released Revision Replace the existing revision with the latest released revision.
Manage Latest Revisions Update multiple parts to a later revision.
Replace Messages

These messages may appear when you use the Replace commands:

  • While replacing a child part that has been collaborated with a child part that has not been collaborated, this message gets displayed: "Child part is not collaborated. Operation cannot be performed".
  • During the replace operation, if the newly replaced instance has a different design collaboration value than the source instance, this message is displayed: "The design collaboration value has to be same as the source relationship for the replace operation".

Reorder Tree Menu Options

The table below describes the commands in the Reorder Tree menu of the EBOM context toolbar.

Command Description
Reorder Tree > Persist Current Sort Order Saves the current sort order for other users to view when they open the BOM. Select the BOM entries to sort and then select the column by which to sort (with no entries selected, the BOM is sorted by the top-level). To save the sort, select Persist Current Sort Order.
Reorder > Reset Find Number Reset the find numbers for the child parts in the BOM. When reset, the find numbers increment by 10 (10, 20, etc.) starting at 10. To reset the find numbers, select a parent part in the BOM and go to Reorder Tree > Reset Find Number. To reset the first level parts in the BOM, clear all parts in the BOM and select Reset Find Number.
Reorder Tree > Change Position Reorder top-level parts in the selected assembly (available only for development parts in a state before the Released state and production parts in the In Work state). This also applies to Reset Find Number feature in an open BOM Markup. When you select Change Position, the find numbers are preserved. The BOM order is also preserved the next time the BOM is opened.
Reorder Tree > Clear Sort Reset the view back to the default Tree Order view.
Note: The Persist Current Sort Order, Change Position, and Clear Sort commands are available in Engineering BOM Management. However, when a product structure is released and control is with the EBOM, the corresponding EBOM will not be updated using these commands.

MBOM Views

Click the page tabs to select any of the following views:

View Description
EBOM Common view This option is available only when Manufacturing BOM Management is installed. See the Manufacturing BOM Management User's Guide.
MBOM Plant-Specific view This option is available only when Manufacturing BOM Management is installed. See the Manufacturing BOM Management User's Guide.
MBOM Planning view This option is available only when Manufacturing BOM Management is installed. See the Manufacturing BOM Management User's Guide.
As-Built view This option is available only when Unit BOM Management is installed. See the Unit BOM User's Guide.

Unit BOM View

View Description
As-Built view This option is available only when Unit BOM Management is installed. For details, see the Unit BOM User's Guide.

Other Toolbar Commands

Command Description

(available in both views)

Remove the selected part from the BOM (the part is not removed from the database). You can remove the part in View mode, Edit mode, or using the context menu but a child part cannot be removed in view mode if the parent part is in the In Work state or later.

When the parent of the selected part is in In Work, the part is removed from the BOM after you click OK.

When the parent of the selected part is beyond In Work, the BOM switches to edit mode and the part is removed using markup.

When you remove a BOM instance, the instance retains its title.

On premises only: To update the product in ENOVIA Product Finder for changes to parts at different levels, contact your administrator.
Enable Edit Mode/Disable Edit Mode

Toggle between Edit and View modes. See EBOM Modes.

Download Package Download a file package connected to a part and its associated objects. See Downloading a File Package.
Set to Production Change the release phase from Development to Production. See About Set to Production.
Work Under Change Select a Work Under CA for the part. See About Work Under Changes.
Import EBOM Import an EBOM into the current BOM. See About EBOM Import.

Select Expand Levels from the page toolbar. To expand or collapse each part level of the BOM, click plus (+) or minus (-) next to the part name. Click Expand All, , on the toolbar to expand all parts or to select the number of levels to expand. You can also select:

  • All. Shows BOM assemblies in all levels of the BOM hierarchy above the part.
  • End Item. Search the BOM up to the level of the first end item in each branch. If no end item is available in a given level of a branch, the search continues up to the highest level. Only the first end item in each branch is displayed. This command is available only when Manufacturing BOM Management is installed and the view is set to either Common or Plant-Specific.
Refinements Select the Refinements icon, , to filter the BOM based on part title, revision, lifecycle state, and other properties. For more information on the Refinements feature, see Refinements Available for List Pages.

When you select a filter, it is applied to BOM connections and corresponding part revisions. For example, when a BOM is filtered for “View= Current,” currently-effective BOM connections appear along with the currently-effective part revisions for each connection.


Click any of the following from the page Reports menu to work with the BOM:

For Materials Compliance Management users who do not also have an Engineering BOM Management license, this menu does not display.

Command Description
BOM Compare Report To generate a BOM comparison report, which indicates when there is an item difference or a quantity difference between two BOMs. See Generating a BOM Structure Comparison Report.
Multi-Level Report To generate a multilevel BOM report, which includes all assemblies and subassemblies for the part. See Generating a Multi-Level Report.
Consolidated Report To generate a consolidated BOM report, which includes all top-level items. See Generating a Consolidated Bill of Materials Report.
Effectivity Report To create a historical BOM report. This report, based on a user-specified historical date and time, is available only for released enterprise parts. The report output displays the configuration of the part's BOM based on the "latest released" part revisions that were "effective" at the time of the user-specified date.
AVL Report To generate an Approved Vendor List report, which includes a list of vendors for manufacturer equivalent parts. See Generating an Approved Vendor List Report.
AVL Multi-Level BOM Report To generate a multilevel Approved Vendor List report. See Generating a Multi-Level Approved Vendor List Report.

The Reports menu also contains commands to view the BOM in any of the following formats. For details about the formats, see About BOM Formats.

Note: The fields Usage, Component Location, Physical Collaboration, and Images are hidden from the BOM table view by default. However, you can add them from the custom table view. These fields will be available in all the reports by default.

Command Description
Stored Format Displays the BOM in the format in which it is stored in the database.
Expanded Format Expands the BOM display by showing each Reference Designator as a single BOM record.
Delimited Roll-up Format Collapses the BOM display by showing a group of instances of the same part as one BOM record.
Range Roll-up Format Collapses the BOM display by showing a series of instances of the same part as one BOM record.