About Work Under Changes

BOM changes for any part that is under change-required must be made through "work under" change. A work under change action (CA) tracks all changes made to a change-required part. You must select a work under CA whenever you apply change-required to a configured or unconfigured part. When you complete the work under change, the part(s) connected to it are released. Completed changes are listed as realized changes for the CA. A work under CA is required whenever you create, edit, or revise a change-required part but is optional for any part that is not under change management.

Note: For any part, either configured or unconfigured, only a CA that is the In Work state can be used as a work under change.
Note: You can add a child to a configured parent in which the parent is associated with a work under CA. When you promote the CA to the Complete state, the parent's projected evolution will be the same as the current evolution.

Standalone change actions should not be used as work under changes for any part or BOM operation. Use only those change actions associated with the change order.

This page discusses:

See Also
Selecting a Work Under Change Action for an Unconfigured Part in 3DSpace
Selecting a Work Under Change Action For Configured Parts in 3DSpace