Refinements Available for List Pages

Web apps provide several tools to refine, or filter, which items display on a list page.

See Also
Sorting Pages by Multiple Columns

Depending on how the app retrieves the data for a column, you might not be able to filter by that column. If you do not see a column in the list of columns for filtering, you cannot filter by that column.

Refinement Method Description
6W Use the 6WTags to filter the list of items on a structured content page. See Filtering with 6WTags.
Drop-down list on page toolbar Choose an option in the filter drop-down list. For information on the filter list for a specific table page, click on that page.
on page toolbar Opens a new window or slides in a pane on the left.

For a slide-in window: The refinements pane can include any or all of these refinements:

  • Name field. Enter a name or part of a name plus a wildcard and a maximum number of items to display, then click Filter.
  • Page-specific filters. Select options from the drop-down lists, then click Filter.
  • Effectivity expression. See Configuration and Effectivity Services: Filtering a Page Using Effectivity.
  • Columns with attribute values. The app shows how many items have that value. Each time you click a box, the app updates the list to show only the matching items.

To make multiple selections without updating the list after each selection, follow these steps:

  1. Click Multi Select.
  2. For a column, click the boxes for the values you want to filter by.
  3. Click for that column. The page refines the list based on the selected values. The icon changes to to indicate that the filter for that column has been applied to the list.
  4. Filter by additional columns as needed.
You can select as many values for as many columns as needed before refreshing the list. After refreshing the list, you can select Select All for a column without losing the refinements for other columns.

Click Close to close the slide-in window (the refinements remain in the main window); click Reset to clear all refinements.

For a pop-up window: This page lists the unique values in each filterable column. For paginated tables, the lists include values on all pages. If the column values contain mxLink (hyperlinks to objects) content, the link is converted to text and cannot be clicked except for specially-configured columns. Select the values you want to filter the list by, then click Done.

The app shows the filter icon next to any column name that was filtered on: .

Custom views

The View (click the arrow next to the icon to access the list of views) lets you choose:
  • Any custom view you defined
  • The system table (as originally defined by the app)
  • Any app-defined view not based on the column content

This menu also lets you:

  • Edit the shown view
  • Create a new view
  • Delete the shown view

See Designing Your Own Page Views to create or edit a view.

When you apply a filter or select tags, you see the items that satisfy the criteria and also the items hierarchical parents. The hierarchical parents retain the tree structure, even if they do not meet the filter criteria.