Deleting Parts from the Database

You can search for one or more parts across multiple collaborative spaces and delete them from the database all at the same time. Parts you select can be either configured or unconfigured. With an MCC license, you can also delete descendant enterprise and compliance parts.

To delete a part, you must have one of these roles:

  • Baseline: Author or Leader
  • App-specific: Component Engineer, Design Engineer, Senior Design Engineer, Product Obsolescence Manager, or Part Family Coordinator

Before you begin: To delete an unconfigured part, you must either own or have created the part. To delete a development phase part, you must only be assigned to the same collaborative space in which the part resides.

Parts must meet these criteria to be deleted:

  • The part can be either an EC part or a configured part
  • The part cannot be used in an EBOM.
  • The part cannot be connected to an active change action.
  • The part must be the latest revision.
  • The part must be in the In Work state.

To delete a configured or manufacturer equivalent (MEP) part, you must have either the Author or Leader role and either own or have created the part. To delete a configured part, you must also be assigned to or be connected to the same collaborative space in which the part resides. To delete a MEP, you must be assigned to the collaborative space to which the part belongs.

  • The part cannot be used in an EBOM.
  • The part cannot be connected to an active change action.
See Also
Deleting Specifications
  1. Search for one or more parts to delete. See Predefined Queries.
  2. Select one or more parts in the search results.

    Note: Select only parts. You cannot delete parts and other object types at the same time.

  3. Do one of the following:
    • In the toolbar, click the down arrow and click Delete.
    • Right-click a selected part and click Delete in the context menu.
    • In the toolbar, click the down arrow and click Delete Descendant.

The parts are removed from the search results and the database.