Name | Name of the ECO |
Type | The ECO type or subtype |
Description | Details about the ECO |
State | The current state of the ECO
in its lifecycle |
Policy | The policy that controls the lifecycle and access for the ECO |
Owner | Person to whom management of the ECO is currently assigned |
Originator | Name of the person who created
the ECO |
Originated | Date when the ECO was create |
Modified | Date when any attribute of the ECO
was last changed. The modified date changes automatically when changes
are made to the ECO attributes. |
Severity | Shows the priority status for the ECO: High, Medium or Low |
Project | Project name to which the current ECO belongs (altowner2) |
Organization | Organization name to which the current ECO belongs (altowner1) |
Reported Against | Shows items connected to the ECO. Click any highlighted name in this column to display the Properties page of the item. |
Distribution List | Shows the name of the member list that is used for notifications about the ECO. Click any highlighted name in this column to display the Member List page. |
Reviewer List | A reviewer list is a route template with a base purpose of “Review” that defines the list of people that should review the ECO before it is promoted to a specified state. Click any highlighted name in this column to display the Route Template page. |
Category of Change | Can be any of the following: Unassigned, Vendor Requirement, Product Improvement, New Production Introduction, Marketing Requirement, Facilitate Manufacturing, Drafting Error, or Cost Reduction. |
Responsible Design Engineer | By default, the creator of the ECO is the Responsible Design Engineer. The creator can reassign any other VPM user with a role of Author or Leader of the current project context as the Responsible Design Engineer. |