About Interference Simulation Specifications

The interference simulation specifications are the input used to compute interference between parts and products in the assembly.

This page discusses:

Standard Specifications

The standard specifications compute the clashes, contacts, and clearances between defined context or the whole assembly.

Note: You can specify the minimum clearance value. During interference computation, the gap less than this value is considered as clearance.

Knowledge Rule Specification

The Knowledge rule specification computes the interference based on the defined knowledge rule set. Using the knowledge rule set, you can define the interference computation between specific parts and using specific checks.

For more information, see About Defining Rule Based Interference Computation

Engineering Connection Specifications

The Engineering Connection specification computes the interference based on Engineering Connections specified between two products in an assembly.

For more information, see About Engineering Connection Specification

Quantifier Specifications

The quantifier options are used to compute the graphical and numerical results of the interference. Selecting the quantifiers makes the numerical values available in the results of the interference.

The penetration volume indicates the penetration volume for clash interference. This allows you to evaluate the severity of the clash.

The penetration vector indicates the direction of maximum penetration depth in the interference. This allows you to identify the most critical clashes to solve.


If two objects A and B are in Clash, the penetration vector is the minimal vector used to translate the object A to be in contact with the object B, without rotation. In the below illustration, V is the penetration vector. The penetration vector along with the value is displayed in the 3D area after the interference computation.

The minimum distance indicates the minimum distance between two objects in the interference.

  • You can display or hide the quantifiers on the 3D geometry, using the check boxes available at Me > Preferences > App Preferences > Social and Collaborative > Global Design Management > Interference Check > Interference Display expander under the Quantifiers.
  • You can search an interference simulation using its Penetration Value (volume or penetration depth) as a search query in the Advanced Search dialog box.