Importing LandXML Data

You can import LandXML(.xml) files into 3DEXPERIENCE and use imported data in Civil Engineering 3D Design.

  1. Check whether the imported file requires large range support or not, and select the design range accordingly.

    LandXML(.xml) does not support hard-coded tolerances in large range design.

  2. In the Top Bar, select Add > Import.
  3. Select the LandXML (*.xml) format from the list and key-in required information as explained in Import.
  4. Specify the Discipline.
    1. Select the context from the list.
    2. Select the profile according to the selected context.

    Possible contexts are:

    • Road with following profiles:
      • Undefined
      • Road
      • Highway
    • Railway with following profiles:
      • Undefined
      • Streetcar
      • Inter-city
      • High speed
    • If the context information exists in a LandXML file, this information prevails upon the user selection.
    • Profile information does not exist in a LandXML file. It is taken from the user selection.

  5. To manage geolocation in destination structure, in the Referential box do either of the following:
    • Select Local: The Part in which the import is done is not geolocated. Then define the length Unit (meter, kilometer, etc.) in which the data are stored in the file.
    • Select the Coordinates Reference System (coordinate types) in which source data are expressed, from the list of the CRS saved in the database. It is automatically chosen when defined in the source file.

      You can provide a Coordinate Reference System in which the coordinates in the originating file are expressed (Source) as well as the Coordinate Reference System in which the coordinates will be converted in the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform (Target). The Part object in which the import is done must be geolocated. The Unit is predefined.

      Note: When a CRS is selected for the source file but not for the target file (set as Local), a message may appear at the bottom of the import window, specifying that the selected file/directory (source) is geolocated, but not the product (target). In this case, select the same CRS in the Target Referential. Then another message explains that the parent product (context) will also be geolocated.

A progress bar displays the total number of objects to create and the number of already created objects.

Converter for LandXML creates a Building & Civil Spatial Structure. For more information, see Introductory Concepts.