About Advanced Options

Advanced options provide additional possibilities when exporting content to CATIA Composer files.

See Also
About Composer Files
About Export Options
Option Description
Chordal error in microns Determines how Composer tessellates (meshes) the model, which affects model accuracy and file size.

Specifically, the chordal error corresponds to the distance between the triangles that define the geometry in Composer and the edges of the original geometry.

  • To reduce the chordal error and increase the accuracy, reduce the value. This increases the file size.
  • To increase the chordal error and decrease the file size, increase the value. This reduces the accuracy.

Note: When Merge files into one actor per part is selected in the export options, this option is ignored (not applicable). For more information, see About Export Options.

Set a value (in microns). This value must be comprised between 10 to 10000.

By default, this value is set to 151.

Feature filtering Specifies an XML file that prevents attributes and/or meta-properties from being exported to Composer files. For more information, see Example - Feature Filtering.