Business Initiatives Metrics – Projects List

The Projects List view lets you view the list of Business Initiative Projects, and access its folders, documents, and proposals (Business Documents). You can view the list as a table or as an array of tiles.

This page discusses:


You can filter the list of projects based on state. The filter optimizes the initial data set so that it displays faster. The filter remains in effect between sessions so you only need to set it once unless you want to change it. When you set this filter, the app also applies that filter to any Business Initiatives Metrics - Projects State widget included on the same tab.

To filter the view, follow these steps:

  1. Click Filters .
  2. Select one or more states.
  3. Click Apply.

To remove a state from the filter, click the X in the tag.

You can change the widget title to reflect the type of filtered data you selected. For more information, see Setting Preferences.

Projects List

Click to view as a list. When viewing the projects as a list, you see these columns. Click on the column header to sort by that column. You can drag columns to rearrange them. The rearrangement of columns is not saved when you refresh the widget (the next session or if you use Preferences > Refresh).

  • Name
  • Title
  • Status
  • Owner
  • Est. Finish
  • Created Date
  • Description

You can click Export to export the table contents to a comma-separated values (CSV) file. The CSV file only includes the data visible in the table.

Click on any row to view that project's details. The app switches to tile view and slides the tiles to the right, and shows the Properties for the project. You can click the Proposals or Folders tabs to view those lists.

Project Tiles

Click to view as tiles. The tiles view shows your projects as small tiles. When you click a tile, the small tile moves to the left pane and shows details about that project in the right pane. The details include these items:

  • Id card
  • Properties tab
  • Proposals tab
  • Folders tab

Small Tile

When viewing the tasks as tiles, you see the list pane with a small tile for each task and the details pane. The small tile includes this basic information:

  • Project name
  • Current state
  • Owner
  • Description

Id Card

The Id card includes these details:

  • Project name
  • Owner and date created
  • Estimated finish date
  • Description

To work with the project, you can perform these actions:

  • Click to send email about the task. You can select a check box to attach the task to the email message.
  • Click Open in 3DSpace to open the project in Project Management. For more information, see Working With Projects. If you have the required access, you can edit the project.

Project Properties

The properties include more details than those shown in the list of tasks:

NameThe name of the project, usually a system-generated name.
TitleA descriptive name for the project.
Project OwnerThe person who owns the project.
TypeThe type of project: Business Initiative Project.
Created DateThe date the project was created.
DescriptionThe description from the project.
Schedule From

Shows the option selected for the project:

  • Project Start Date. Schedule the project based on when you start.
  • Project Finish Date. Schedules the project based on when it must be finished.

Company NameThe name of the company that owns the project.


The Proposals tab lists a tile view of Business Documents added to project tasks as deliverables. Click a document name to access its Properties and Impacted Business Units.

To work with a document, you can perform these tasks:

  • Click Download to save a document to your computer.
  • On the Properties list, click Open in 3DSpace to open the document in Collaboration and Approvals. For more information, see Documents.

Business Document Properties

If you click the document name, the small tile slides to the left and the Id card and property details of the document display. For more information, see Business Document Properties.

Impacted Business Unit

If you click the document name, the small tile slides to the left and the Id card and you can click the Impacted Business Unit tab. This tab shows a table of business units added to the document as being impacted by that document. The table includes these columns:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Resource Managers


The Folders tab lists a tile view of the folders in the project. Each small tile shows these details:

  • Folder name
  • Name of the person that owns the folder
  • Description of the folder

Click the folder name to view its contents. The Documents tab lists the documents in the folder. The Subfolders tab lists any subfolders. Subfolders work the same as folders and allow you to work within a folder structure.

In the Documents tab, click the name of a document to view its properties. Folders can contain any type of document. To work with the document, you can Download or Open in 3DSpace.