Project Items Metrics – Product Tasks Summary

The Product Tasks Summary shows a bar chart of the number of tasks for each Services Product. For the selected bar, the widget shows a pie chart for the percentage of product tasks per the task owner (not the task assignee) and a bar chart of the number of product tasks in each state. You can click to view a tile display of the Services Products, and then click any tile to view that product's properties and task list. You can click to view the bar and pie charts.

The tasks that show in this app are the ones defined on the Tasks tab of the Planning page for the Services Product. Those tasks can belong to the Governing Project for the Services Product, or any project associated with the Services Product on the Projects tab of the Planning page.

This page discusses:


Hover over any bar or pie wedge to view the number or percentage represented by the bar or wedge. For the Product Tasks State bar chart, the color of the bar corresponds to a lifecycle state of that number of tasks.

When you click a bar in the Number of Tasks per product chart, the app updates the pie chart and the Product Tasks State bar chart for that product. When you click a wedge in the pie chart, the app updates the Product Tasks State bar chart for that person.

You can only use the Snapshot , Print , and Email buttons when viewing the charts.

Product Tiles

When you click , the app shows a tile for each Services Product. The tile includes the name, current state, and description. Click on any Services Product to view its Id card, properties and task list. The Id card for the Services Product includes these additional details:

  • Person who owns the Services Product
  • Marketing Name of the Services Product
  • Company that owns the Services Product

Click Open in 3DSpace to open the Services Product in Services Management. For more information, see Working with Services Products.


If the task list shows, click Properties to view the properties. The properties include more details about the Services Products:

Marketing NameThe marketing name of the Services Product.
CommercialYes if the Services Product will be sold, No otherwise. If a Services Product is not saleable, its Services Items cannot be sold.
Marketing TextThe descriptive marketing text for the Services Product.
Design ResponsibilityThe organization responsible for designing the Services Product.
Product LineThe product classification copied from the based on Services Product.
Candidate MarketsThe regions or countries where this Services Product is planned to be marketed.
NameThe name of the Services Product.
RevisionThe revision level of the Services Product.
StateThe current lifecycle state of the services product.
Governing ProjectThe project that governs the development of the Services Product.
Current PhaseThe current project phase of this Services Product.
SponsorA person who endorses this Services Product.


If the properties list shows, click Task to view a tile display of the tasks for the Services Product. Each tile includes this information about the task:

  • Task name
  • Task owner and current state
  • Estimated start date
  • Estimated finish date

Click on any tile to view that task's details. The app slides the tiles to the right. For more information, see Task Tiles. You can access these tabs for more information about the task:

Saving a Snapshot

You can take a snapshot of the widget display and download it as a *.png file to your computer. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Click Snapshot .
  2. Enter a name for the snapshot.
  3. Click Download. The app opens a file same dialog. Enter a name and select a directory for the snapshot, then click Save.

Printing the View

You can print the current view of the widget. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Click Print .
  2. Select the required print options.
  3. Click Print.

Emailing the Charts

You can email a picture of the current view of the charts. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Click Email .
  2. Enter an email address, edit the subject if you want, and enter a message.
  3. Click Send.