From the Simulation section of the
action bar, click
Show Gantt Chart
The System-Operation-Track Gantt chart appears.
- Select a product in the 3D view.
The Selection Assistant appears. It displays the name of the selected part and the corresponding manufactured item. The corresponding operation is highlighted. - Change the Active Simulation Object (ASO) using the arrows in the ASO panel.
The operation corresponding to the ASO is highlighted in the Gantt chart. - Press F3 to display the tree.
- Select a part in the 3D view.
The corresponding operation is highlighted in the Gantt chart and in the tree. Notes:
- When an operation is selected in the Gantt chart, the corresponding products are highlighted in 3D view.
- When an operation is selected in the tree, the corresponding node is highlighted in Gantt chart and the corresponding products are highlighted in the 3D view.
- Right-click on the nodes in the Gantt chart to create tracks (including kinematic tracks), apply track operators to tracks, or perform other actions for which the Gantt chart is uniquely suited, such as modifying the time or sequence of tracks.
- Select an operation or a system, and click Play in the Compass.
The Experience Player appears enabling you to control the animation (play, play in reverse, step by step, and so on). Note:
In this case, Simulate Specification Behavior Only or Simulate Specification Behavior and Abstract Product Motion must be set in the Simulation Options.
- Click Hide Gantt Chart
when you no longer want the System-Operation-Track Gantt to appear.