Track Authoring Dialog Box

To open the Track Authoring dialog box, from the Simulation section of the action bar click New Track, and from the command bar on the right, click Track Authoring.

This dialog box contains controls for:

This page discusses:

Track Properties

The Track Properties tab gives information about the number of selected moving objects in the track, track name, interpolation type, as well as track duration, speed, and length information.

Note: Default values are specify in the Me > Preferences > App Preferences > Simulation > Manufacturing Process Documentation > Assembly Evaluation >Track tab and Trajectory tab.

Track name.
  • Time: Overall duration of the track.
  • Speed: Speed of the track motion.
Interpolation Type
Interpolation type of the track: Linear, Spline, or Composite Spline.
Total Track Length
Total length of the track (mm, by default).
Number of Moving Objects
Number of moving objects that are selected for the track.

T-Points Reorder

The T-Points Reorder tab provides an editor for Trajectory points (T-Points) reordering and modification (T-Point name, time, coordinates, and vector components).

T-Point identifiers of the track are listed in this column. A T-Point identifier can be edited.
Time to arrive at a T-Point from the previous T-Point. These times can be edited (except for the first and last points).
Cumulative Time
Time to arrive at a T-Point from the first T-Point.
X, Y, Z
Coordinates of the selected T-Point in the list. Coordinates can be edited.
Rx, Ry, Rz
Vector components of the T-Point. Components can be edited.
Move up arrow and Move down arrow
These arrows can be used for moving a T-Point up or down the list.
Move the current T-Point before the next selected T-Point
Moves the current T-Point before the next selected T-Point in the list.
Rename all T-Points
Renames the T-Points following the default name pattern, T-Points with customized names stay unchanged. The order follows the point's sequence order.
Modify T-Point
Accepts and saves the modifications made to T-Point coordinates and vector components.