Reversing an Assembly Sequence

A new contextual command Reverse Assembly Sequence reverses the sequence order of all activities (tracks, choreography actions, systems and operations) of an Assembly Sequence. It also reverses the direction of each of the tracks in the sequence. This allows you to quickly obtain a "disassembly" sequence of activities from an "assembly" sequence.

See Also
Creating an Assembly Sequence
  1. Create an Assembly Sequence containing several tracks.
  2. Right-click the assembly sequence thumbnail, and select Definition.

    Alternatively, you can double-click the thumbnail.

    The Assembly Sequence Gantt chart appears.

  3. In the Gantt chart, right-click the Assembly Sequence and select Reverse Assembly Sequence.
    The order of the tracks in the Assembly Sequence is reversed. In addition the direction of each of the tracks in the sequence is reversed.

    Note: When precedence constraints exist between tracks of an Assembly Sequence, reversing the sequence also reverses the precedence constraints.