Performing Drag and Drop

You can instantiate functions and logical components using the drag and drop functionality.

Note that you can only drag and drop references: functions and flows, logical components and logical types.

Furthermore, you can also drag and drop:

  • A function under another function
  • A logical component under another logical component
  • A flow under another flow
  • A type under another type

This task shows you how to drag and drop:

Within Functional & Logical Design

From Functional & Logical Design, you can drag a reference from the tree.

You can also drag and drop a 2D representation from the 2D graph. For this, you must select the Allow Drag & Drop from 2D Graph option from Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Systems Architecture > Functional & Logical Design > 2D Graph F/L. For more information, see Native Apps Preferences Guide: 2D Graph F/L.

Note: To maintain the connections of an object when moving it, check that the following options are selected in Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Systems Architecture > Functional & Logical Design > General > Agility of Functional and Logical Connections during Tree Restructuration:
  • Activate agility mode: to allow the creation of new connection and port to keep the connection of the moved object.
    Note: This option is available for objects in main view and diagram view.
  • Delete ports and connection no longer used after restructuration: to allow the deletion of connection and port that are no longer useful when the object is moved.

For more information, see Native Apps Preferences Guide: General.

Note: In some cases, implement relations can be modified to fit the new position of the object they implement or are implemented by. This implement relations agility is possible if:
  • The drag and drop is performed within the context of definition of the implement relation
  • The implement relation is loaded in session when the drag and drop is performed.

  1. Select a 2D representation.

  2. Drag a logical component from the tree or 2D graph.
    A 2D representation follows your pointer.
  3. Drop the logical component in the tree or 2D graph.

    Important: Depending on the location where you drop the object, the result is different:
    • Drop under the same parent component: the position of the dragged object is updated (2D move).
    • Drop under another function or logical component: the dragged object is moved (cut and paste) or instantiated if the control key is pressed at the time of the drop (copy and paste). The impacted connections and ports are deleted and replaced by new ones, in order to keep their connections to the moved object.
    • Drop under an object that can implement or be implemented: an implement relation is created.

From the Search Results panel and System Finder (to Functional & Logical Design)

You can drag and drop references to the Functional & Logical Design app.

  1. Drag a function or logical component:
    • From the Search Results panel
    • From a System Finder tab.
  2. Drop it to a Functional & Logical Design tab.

From Functional & Logical Design (to Folder Editor)

You can drag and drop references to Folder Editor.

  1. Drag a function or logical component from Functional & Logical Design.
  2. Drop it to a Folder Editor tab.