Working with the Requirement 2D Graph

From Functional & Logical Design, you can display a read-only 2D graph of a requirement structure, including the implementing entities available in session.

This task shows you how to:

2D Graph Display

There are three ways to display a requirement 2D graph.

From the tree
Double-click a requirement object.

The requirement object and its first level children are displayed. You can then expand the children using the Expand command from the context menu.

From the context menu
Right-click a requirement and select Open 2D Graph.

The requirement object and its first level children are displayed in a new window.

From an implementing function or logical component
Click the implement icon to display the list of implement requirements, and then double-click the convenient entity.

The parent of the implemented requirement is the root of the requirement 2D graph.

2D Graph Navigation

  • Double-click a requirement object to display it as the root of the requirement 2D graph.

  • Click the < button to display its parent as the root.
    Note: This button is not available on the root of the requirement structure.

2D Graph Customization

By selecting the convenient options in Me > Preferences, you can customize:

Implement Relation Creation/Deletion

Implement relations can be created through the 2D graph by dragging an entity from the tree (or another 2D graph window) and drop it to a requirement. The new implementing entity is displayed in the requirement 2D graph.

To delete an implement relation from the requirement 2D graph, select the link between a requirement and the implementing entity and use the Delete command (from the context menu or your keyboard).

The Delete Implement Relation command available from the implementing entity context menu is also provided. The graph content is automatically updated with the link and the implementing entity removed from the graph.