Editing Parameter Values in Dymola Behaviors

You can edit parameter values and other modifiers of Dymola behaviors without entering the Dymola Behavior Modeling app. You can edit the values of any component in the behavior structure except any Dymola behavior lying directly under the top level function or logical component.

  • The modified values are only used in the simulation if they are part of the simulated behavior.
  • Immersive dockable panels displaying Dymola behaviors are only reflecting the changed values during execution of the model.
  • The edited values are kept between sessions.
Important: The new values you give parameters or other modifiers using this task are only visible in Functional & Logical Design, if you go to Dymola Behavior Modeling you can only see the values given in that app.

In this scenario, you edit the value of a resistor in a logical structure.

Note: The scenario is very similar if you instead use a functional structure or work with a Context behavior instead of a Dymola behavior.

Before you begin: Create a logical structure with a Dymola behavior containing a resistor according to Creating a Functional or Logical Structure with a Dymola Behavior Containing a Modelica Component.
  1. To edit the parameter values of the resistor, display the Component Parameters Edition dialog box of the resistor.

    For more information, see Displaying the Edit Component Parameters Dialog Box.

    Tip: You must use Step 2 in the reference where you display the behavior in an immersive window since the parameters are not top level parameters in the behavior.

  2. In the dialog, set the parameter R to 10 and click OK.
    The following is the result:
    • The parameter R is changed to 10.
      Note: This change is only visible in Functional & Logical Design.
    • In the tree, under the top level logical component, a new Dymola behavior with the model name CompositeBehavior is created, with a logical reference corresponding to the changed parameter values of the behavior you changed parameter values in.
      • The CompositeBehavior item can be seen as only a container for the logical references of the changed values. You cannot create such a behavior like creating other behaviors and you cannot enter Dymola Behavior Modeling from this behavior.
        Note: Propagated parameters and Knowledgeware parameters are also located here. For more information see Propagating Parameters to Top Level.
      • For each logical component you change parameter values in, one logical reference is created under the CompositeBehavior. So even if you change a number of parameter values in a number of Modelica components in one logical component, only one logical reference is created.
      • The CompositeBehavior is only created under the top level logical component, even if you change parameter values deep in the structure.
      • The name of the logical references shows the name of the changed logical components and the changed parameter values.