Fluid Model Creation

Fluid Model Creation enables you to define all the required modeling components for a fluid mechanics simulation. This app is suitable for engineers who perform routine fluid calculations to guide iterative design modifications.

See Also
What's New
Fluid Model Creation Basics
Overview of Hex-Dominant Meshing
CFD Verification Guide (in the SIMULIA Community)
In Other Guides

Fluid Model Creation is a native app that enables you to create and manage:

  • The fluid domain, which describes the 3D space in which you want to analyze fluid flow.
  • The material assignments for the model and the fluid.
  • The fluid and solid sections that describe the behavior of the flowing medium and the model, respectively.
  • Meshes that discretize the model geometry into the smaller pieces (finite elements) required for computing simulation results.

Before you begin using Fluid Model Creation, you must already have geometry and materials defined. You can create geometry using 3D modeling apps on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, or you can import geometry from various other applications.

You can also import or create mesh (finite element model) data and use it to represent the geometry. For more information about meshing, see the Mesh Creation guide.

The Material Definition app enables you to define materials, including their simulation properties. For more information about materials, see the Simulation Materials guide.

Once completed, you can use a single model configuration for multiple different simulation scenarios. A scenario contains one or more analysis cases that simulate real-world use of the model. Within each analysis case, you can define steps, loads, interactions, and other features that specify the behavior of the simulation. You define scenarios and run them in Fluid Scenario Creation.

Once you have run your simulation, you can use Physics Results Explorer to generate graphs and reports, to share your results, and to make decisions on the model design. For information about accessing Fluid Model Creation and other native apps, see Opening an App from the Compass.

SIMULIA also provides test cases and verification information in the CFD Verification Guide, which is available for download from the SIMULIA Community. This supplemental guide contains a series of test cases for the Fluid Model Creation and Fluid Scenario Creation apps that provide evidence that the implementation of the numerical model produces the expected results for one or several well-defined options in the code. The test cases are sufficiently small that you can run them efficiently, but they produce results that you can compare to independently calculated solutions or experimental results.