Opening an App from the Compass

You can open apps using the Compass.

Three types of apps are available:

  • Dashboard apps appear in preview mode, and can be added to a dashboard.
  • Web apps open a new browser tab.
  • Native apps, when clicking this type of app search for a local installation, if any. If no installation is found, and you are on the cloud, you can download and install it. For more information, see Installing Native Apps Using the Compass from the Cloud.

  1. Click the Compass.
  2. In the My Apps section, click the app.

    If you have many apps in the list, and you want to refine it, you can do either of the following:

    • If you know its name, search for the app.

    • Click the role containing the app you want to open. For more information, see About Roles.

    Depending on the type of app, the behavior varies:

    • Dashboard apps appear in preview mode.
    • Web apps open a new browser tab.
    • Native apps search for a local installation, if any, as explained in the introduction.
      Note: Whether you are working on premises or on the cloud, if your company uses a proxy that requires credentials, enter your username and your password in the dialog box that opens.

    On the cloud, services are hosted and operated by Dassault Systèmes certified cloud providers and operators, which ensures scalability and regular upgrades.

    On premises, the services that are hosted by your company allow a detailed customization.

    For more information, see About Apps.