Displaying Bodies under Functional Features

You can simplify the tree display when an external shape feature or a push/pull/fitting feature references a body.

The referenced body will only be displayed under the pointing feature if when selected, it is not used by another feature or Boolean operation.

See Also
About Displaying Bodies
  1. From the Create section of the action bar, click Shellable Feature .

    The Shellable Feature dialog box appears.

  2. Click External Shape in the dialog box.

    The Body tab is displayed allowing you to define an external shape.

  3. Select the body from the tree to define the external shape.
    Functional features that reference bodies are the Basic Features (using External Shape), push, pull, fitting features, feature modifiers (remove and intersect features) defined using External Shape and Shellable Features using Selected core.
  4. Click OK.

    You can see the tree display after creating an external shape feature that references the body. The referenced body is aggregated by the functional specification.

    The app puts the aggregated body in No Show mode.