About User Defined Thread Standards

Standards are defined through an .xml file with a specific structure.

This page discusses:

See Also
Creating Thread Standards

Example of a file structure

Standards are defined through an .xml file with a specific structure.

Example of a file structure

<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<std:node name="Thread_standard" xmlns:std="http://www.dsweb.com/std">
<std:node name="Key">
          <std:strval name="Key">G</std:strval>
<std:node name="Unit">
  								<std:strval name="Unit">mm</std:strval>
<std:typedef name="Standard">
          <std:floatval name="Thread Diameter">0.0</std:floatval>
          <std:floatval name="Pitch">1.0</std:floatval>
          <std:floatval name="Minor Diameter">0.13</std:floatval>
          <std:strval name="Description">G1/16</std:strval>
<std:node name="Values">
<std:typeval name="Standard">
          <std:floatval name="Thread Diameter">7.723</std:floatval>
          <std:floatval name="Pitch">0.907</std:floatval>
          <std:floatval name="Minor Diameter">6.561</std:floatval>
          <std:strval name="Description">G1/16</std:strval>
<std:typeval name="Standard">
          <std:floatval name="Thread Diameter">9.728</std:floatval>
          <std:floatval name="Pitch">0.907</std:floatval>
          <std:floatval name="Minor Diameter">8.566</std:floatval>
          <std:strval name="Description">G1/8</std:strval>
<std:typeval name="Standard">
          <std:floatval name="Thread Diameter">13.157</std:floatval>
          <std:floatval name="Pitch">1.337</std:floatval>
          <std:floatval name="Minor Diameter">11.445</std:floatval>
          <std:strval name="Description">G1/4</std:strval>


The .xml file is located in the dedicated directory of your choice.

The last 'leaf' of the path must be thread.

The path set to the variable CATCollectionStandard must not contain this last leaf. The path can contains a concatenation of several path


Four .xml files: Std1.xml,Std2.xml,Std3.xml,Std4.xml.

These four files are located in two different directories.

  • The directories must be formatted as follows:



  • The environment variable must be set as follow:

set CATCollectionStandard = dir1\xxx\yyy; dir2\zzz\www under intel

export CATCollectionStandard = dir1\xxx\yyy: dir2\zzz\www under unix


The name of the standard is the name of the file without the .xml extension.


Xml file uses is Standard1.xml the name of the standard is Standard1

Description Name

Descriptions must not share the same names.