Locating Holes

You can constrain the location of the hole to be created without using Sketcher tools.

Before you begin: Create a shellable prism.
See Also
About Holes
Creating Holes on Non-planar Faces
  1. Multi-select the edges and the face on which you want to position the hole.

  2. From the Manufacture section of the action bar, click Hole .
    The Hole.x dialog box appears. The preview displays two constraints defining the distances between the hole's center and the edges.
  3. Select one of the following hole types and enter the required parameters:
    OptionHole Type

    Simple hole
    Tapered hole

    Counter bored hole

    Counter sunk hole

    Counter drilled hole

    The app previews the constraints.

  4. To access the constraint values, double-click the required constraint.
    This displays the Constraint Definition dialog box in which you can edit the value.
  5. Click OK.
    The app positions the hole using constraints.

Tip: Double-click the sketch in the tree to enter the Sketcher app. You can modify the constraints to reposition the hole.