Identify Conical Fillets and RoundsYou can select the Analyze Conical Fillets/Rounds check box to graphically identify the conical fillets and rounds of a 3D shape. Import RulesIf you want to use the same colors for the rounds and fillets, you need to define the colors for the rounds (if the default color is not satisfactory) and then click Import rounds rules. You can also define the colors for the fillets and then click Import fillets rules to apply these colors on the rounds. Identify Variable FilletsYou need to select color in the Variable radius fillets/rounds list to colorize the variable radius fillets and rounds in a 3D shape. Identify Vertex Fillets/RoundsYou need to select color in the Vertex fillets/rounds list to colorize the vertex of the fillets and rounds in a 3D shape. If the limiting faces of a corner have the same radius, the color applied on the limiting faces is also applied to the corner. In this case, the default color for corners is not taken into account. Set Background ColorYou need to select color in the Background color list to colorize the all other faces of the body, which are not considered by the options available in the dialog box. |