Legacy - About Flexible Length Fasteners

By creating a flexible length fastener reference, components are always positioned according to their thicknesses.

Important: You cannot convert legacy flexible fasteners into flexible fasteners.

This page discusses:

Fastener References

The references are generated on the fly when instantiating a template or updating a flexible fastener instance.

Positioning Components

You can use flexible length fasteners when handling fasteners with more than two components.

The main areas are:

  • EntryPoint: This is the overall fastener datum at the entry location point of the fastener on the pilot part.
  • ExitPoint: This is the geometric point at which the fastener exits the panel stack being fastened.

    There are two sets of components that can be specified as part of the adaptive length fastener assembly: These are referred to as Head components and Tail components.

    Each set of components may include from one to three components. Separate products are required for each of head components and tail components.

A fastener component can be either a head component or a tail component. Therefore, positioning the different components of the flexible length fastener consists of:

  • Positioning each component one related to the other in each group.
  • Positioning head group and tail group related to the thickness to fasten.

Specific Case: Use of LastExitPoint
When the EntryPoint and the ExitPoint have the same coordinates, you need to create LastExitPoint, an additional publication that makes the automatic positioning of the component possible.
LastExitPoint is an ExitPoint that you set on the component at the longest possible distance from EntryPoint.

Modification of Flexible Length Fastener Instances

You can modify a fastener instance by using Fastener Edition .

You need to choose a template in a catalog, define the position and orientation of the instance and then define the stacking.

When modified, the fastener is replaced by a fastener reference with the components correctly positioned.

Consistency of Flexible Length Fastener Geometry

Flexible Fastener Length Consistency (FFLC) is the specific rule available for detecting inconsistencies between the geometry of the fastener and the thickness of the stacking. For more information, see Creating a Rules Immersive Report.