Predefined Queries

You can use these predefined queries in 3DSearch to quickly find the content used by this app.

For more information about using predefined queries, see 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Searching with Predefined Queries.

This table lists the predefined queries for Fastening content types:

Content Type Predefined Queries Predefined Queries for Standard Collaborative Spaces
Bead Fastener bfa sbfa
Bead Fastener Bundle fst None
Bead Fastener Representation bfr sbfr
Fastener fsr sfsr
Flexible Fastener Reference sflex ssflex
Locator Patch sloc ssloc
Simple Bead Fastener bsim sbsim
Spot Fastener sfa ssfa
Spot Fastener Assembly sasy ssasy
Spot Fastener Assembly with Secondary Fastener ssec sssec
Spot Fastener Representation sfr ssfr
Spot Fastener Simple ssgl sssgl
Standard Bead Fastener bstd sbstd
Unified Bead Fastener buni sbuni