Creating Flexible Fastener References

Flexible fasteners calculate the thickness of the parts to be fastened and position the fastener assembly components automatically as per thickness, avoiding clashes or gaps.

See Also
About Flexible Fasteners
Instantiating Flexible Fasteners
Updating Flexible Fasteners
  1. Select Add > Content.
  2. In the New Content dialog box, expand the Fasteners node.
  3. Right-click the Flexible Fastener type and select Set attributes at creation.
  4. In the Flexible Length Fastener dialog box, click the Fastener Specific Attributes tab.
  5. Select the list of components.

    The fastener needs two components at least.

    Important: Shape definition is not applicable for flexible fastener templates as you need to associate physical 3D components such as rivets, screws, nuts, etc. with head and tail components.

  6. On the first list, select a number of components that will define the first group of components (head components).
  7. On the second list, select a number of components that will define the second group of components (tail components).
  8. To define the distance between both groups, set these parameters in the Flexible Fastener Template Parameters frame of the dialog box:
    • Range Min: sets the minimum distance between both groups.
    • Range Max: sets the maximum distance between both groups.
  9. Click OK to create the flexible fastener reference.
  10. Save the flexible fastener reference.

The flexible fastener reference is created and saved.