Exploring Fastener Analysis Results

You can manage the results of the fasteners analysis by exploring them in the current window, opening them in an authoring window or displaying them in a table for an advanced usage.

Before you begin: You have performed a fastener analysis using Fasteners Analysis .
See Also
About Performing a Fastener Analysis
Performing a Fastener Analysis
  1. In the Fasteners Analysis dialog box, click the button that displays the number of results. For example, .
    The Fastener Analysis - Advanced Results dialog box opens and displays a table that lists the fastener types, fasteners, and fastened parts corresponding to the current analysis.

  2. Use the toolbar options you need to explore the results:
    • Add/Remove the selected objects for exploration/open / : allows you to keep or remove the selection when exploring or opening the selected results.
    • Explore results : Allows you to explore the results selected in the list.
    • Open results : Allows you to open the results selected in the list.
    • Sort results by Product context : Sorts the results by product context.
    • Sort results by Fastened Parts stacking : Sorts the results by stacking.
    • Fastener analysis result report : Exports the analysis results into a text file. Enter the Report file name in the Fastener Analysis Results Report dialog box that appears.
      Note: The path of the report directory cannot be modified: it corresponds to the path defined in Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Multi Discipline Engineering > Fastening > General. For more information, see Report Directory.
  3. Close the Fasteners Analysis - Advanced Results to go back to the Fasteners Analysis dialog box.
  4. Click Explore results .
    The current results are displayed in the geometry and selected in the current explore window (even if they are hidden).

    Activating the + sign keeps the selected objects in the selection after exploring the current results.

  5. Click Open results .
    The selected representation opens in an app in which you can modify the design.

    The + sign opens the selected objects in addition of the current results.

    • It is not necessary to explore the results before opening them.
    • It is possible to get out-of-context results that are indicated by a warning icon . You cannot explore or open these results due to a context problem: some of the retrieved occurrences may be defined through a path that has not been explored or opened.
  6. Click Fastener report
    The Fastener Report dialog box is displayed.
    • The directory for the report file is defined is defined in Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Multi Discipline Engineering > Fastening > General. You cannot modify it. For more information, see Report Directory..If there are no fasteners in session, the report is not generated and details are provided.
    • The name of the report file is defined according to the name of the active product. You can modify it.
  7. Optional: To customize the report, use either of these options:
    • Long report: generates a long report.
    • Include comments: specifies that the report starts with the commented header block showing keywords description.
  8. Click OK.
    An information message appears when the generation of the flat report is correct.
  9. Open the report .txt file.

    Important: The file lists broken links instead of the name of the fastened parts.