Producing a Mirror Image Using Symmetry

You can create symmetry in your shapes.

Symmetry produces a mirror image of your shapes in a reference element (a plane, line or point) you define.

You can create a mirror image of any valid element or analysis.

Before you begin: Create a 3D shape containing a geometric element.
See Also
Producing a Mirror Image Using Mirror Analysis
Producing a Mirror Image Using Soft Mirror
Displaying a 3D Shape Symmetrically
  1. From the Creation section of the action bar, click Symmetry .
    The Symmetry Definition dialog box appears as well as the Tools Palette dialog box (for further information about the Tools Palette, see 3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps: User's Guide: Selecting Using Selection Traps).
  2. Select the Element to be transformed by symmetry.
  3. Select a point, line or plane as Reference element.
    Result with line as reference element

    Result with point as reference element

  4. Click OK to create the symmetrical element.
    The element (identified as ) is added to the tree.