About Creating Dimensions

Dimensions can be created either on one element or on two elements.

The listed dimensions can be created (and therefore modified).

This page discusses:

Dimensions Created on One Element

Following dimensions can be created on a single element:

Note: While creating dimensions, if the view is not created, it is automatically created. This view may not be convenient for the dimensions to create.

A warning message appears to inform that the dimension cannot be created.

In such cases, you can use the Tolerancing Advisor creates or chooses a convenient view for annotation creation.

Dimensions Created on Two Elements

Dimensions can be created by selecting two elements.

  • When two elements of the dimension value are merged, an error is generated and the dimension color turns to black by default. You can create a distance dimension between two geometrical elements, which are at a distance of 0 mm (null).
  • When two geometrical elements with the same canonicity having constant thickness are selected, you can create the semantic dimensions using the Distance Creation and the Linear Dimension Related to an Origin .
  • When the nonsemantic dimensions are created between two geometrical elements of the same canonicity, they can be automatically upgraded to semantic dimensions according to the tolerance values for the nonsemantic dimensions. To do so, select the Always try to create semantic tolerances and dimensions check box under Semantic Control, available in Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Mechanical Systems > 3D Tolerancing & Annotation > Tolerancing.
  • To create dimensions between the edges of two geometrical elements of the same canonicity, select the Edge option under By default, create dimensions on circle's or cylinder's or revolute's Edge, available in Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Mechanical Systems 3D Tolerancing & Annotation > Dimension, under Dimension Creation.

Angle Dimensions

While creating the angle dimensions, you can perform various operations on them. To do so, right-click the dimension and select Angle Sector.

You can choose the position of the angle dimension to be maintained:

Freely Oriented
While transforming a geometry, the angle dimension changes from acute angle to obtuse angle, or to reflex angle, and vice versa.
Maintained Angle
While transforming a geometry, the angle dimension maintains the angle even if you manipulate the geometry.
  • Acute angle: Angle dimension between 0-90 degrees.
  • Obtuse angle: Angle dimension between 90-180 degrees.
  • Reflex angle: Angle dimension between 180-360 degrees.

While editing the angle dimensions, you can perform this action on multiple angle dimensions. Based on the type of the dimensions selected, the following behaviors are available:

When all the selected dimensions are freely oriented with respect to geometry
If all the selected angle dimensions are freely oriented, the Keep angle range option is cleared.

When this option is selected, the angle dimensions maintain their angle type (acute, obtuse, or reflex) even if the geometry is modified.

When none of the selected dimensions are freely oriented with respect to geometry
If all the selected angle dimensions maintain their respective angle type (acute, obtuse, or reflex), the Keep angle range option is selected.

When this option is cleared, the angle dimensions become freely oriented with respect to geometry.

During heterogeneous selection
When one of the selected angle dimensions is freely oriented and the other dimensions have maintained their respective angles (acute, obtuse, or reflex type), the Keep angle range option is selected.

When this option is cleared, the angle dimensions become freely oriented with respect to geometry, that is, the type of angle dimension can change depending on geometry modification.