Numerical Format Properties

The Numerical Format lets you modify the properties of semantic geometrical tolerances, datum targets, and datum systems.

Select the Numerical Format tab to access properties.

Defines the number of digit displayed after the numerical separator.
It is recommended to define the same precision as for Length knowledge parameter.
See Decimal places for read-write numbers in Units.
Defines the symbol used as numerical separator.
Displays leading zeros
Defines whether a "0" is displayed before the numerical separator when the value is less than 1.
  • Selected:

  • Not selected:

Displays trailing zeros
Defines whether "0" are displayed to complete the number of digit displayed after the separator according to the Precision.
  • Selected:

  • Not selected:

Lets you specify the description of the numeric display. Based on the unit specified in the Description list, the values are displayed for the datum targets and the semantic geometrical tolerances.
NUM.DIMM is selected
Lets you specify the display factor for numeric values.
For example, if you select FEET-INC in the Description list, based on the display factor selected in the Display list, the numerical values will appear as below:
  • 1 factor: Numerical values will be displayed in feet only.
  • 2 factor: Numerical values will be displayed in feet and inch.