Bill of Materials Generation

Variant Management automates the Engineering bill of materials (EBOM) generation process with part annotation logic that uses a feature’s design variant definition.

See Also
Product Line Management
Model Version Structures
Feature Decomposition
Product Configuration
Generating a General Bill of Materials

Before generating an EBOM, System Engineers and Design Engineers can preview the EBOM to ensure that it references all the correct parts. The Preview EBOM page shows a preview of the EBOM structure and lists all selected parts. Visual cues are shown where a part may be missing or an incorrect part may be selected. From this page any errors can be resolved by creating a new part, adding an existing part, or replacing a selected part.

Once all parts are verified and correct, the EBOM can be generated. When an EBOM is generated, a top level part is assigned to the product configuration. Manufacturing and Design Engineers can use this EBOM as a starting point to design a new configuration.