Driving and Constrained Features
After it is defined, the matrix rule defines how the driving features and their options limit the constrained features and their options during product configuration.
A driving feature defines a primary feature variability criteria for a model version that somehow limits, or constrains, another model version feature's options. For example, if a Product Manager's goal is to sell several models of a car with various numbers of doors in specific trim packages, the car's driving feature—the trim packages—constrains the options available for door configuration.
A constrained feature is one that is somehow limited by the model version's driving features. For example, if a Product Manager wants to configure 2 door cars with either of the two available trim packages for sale in all geographical areas, the car's feature configuration might be constrained by the fact that the company cannot sell 2 door cars in India, thus negating the need to configure trim packages for that combination of features. See the example in External Rules.
For example, a driving feature could be the type of trim packages
available for a car (for example, Sport and Premium). A constrained feature
could be the number of doors available for the car (for example, 2 door, 3
door, or 4 door models). The
matrix rule defines which trim packages can be used
on cars with each numbers of doors. The following matrix rule enforces the
requirement that Premium trim packages can only be used on 3 door and 4 door
cars, while the Sport trim package can only be used on 2 door and 4 door cars.
In the matrix, the color of the cell indicates whether the combination of driving and constrained features and their options is available for use when configuring the model version. Gray cells indicate that the combination is not valid. White cells indicate that the combination is valid and is available for use when configuring the model version.
If you add an additional driving feature to a matrix rule—such as the
colors available for each trim package—the matrix rule can also further define
which combinations of these options are available or not during
product configuration. So, in the following example,
the Sport trim package is available in black on 2 door and 4 door cars, but is
not available at all (in any color) on 3 door cars. The matrix rule also
enforces the requirement that the Premium trim package is available in all
color options for 3 door and 4 door cars, but not at all (in any color) on 2
door cars.
Driving features are considered cumulatively, meaning that the options
for any additional driving features that are added to the matrix are evaluated
as a subset of each of the options of the first driving feature that was added
to the matrix. Constrained features are each considered separately with respect
to the driving features. Each additional constrained feature appears in a
separate row beneath the first constrained feature that was added to the
matrix. The options available for the constrained features are not affected by
each other. In the following example, whether 3 door cars are available in
India does not affect whether 3 door cars can have the Sport or Premium trim